What's new in 12d Model v9



Bugs Fixed

Drainage Dynamic DDA - Culvert volumes are incorrect
Installation CD Roadrunner DLLs missing for Bigfoot

9.0C2d RC 3

Bugs Fixed

Drainage Drainage plan plot smart clean not checking arrows or symbols
Drainage analysis DDA - Dummy basin links have bogus results
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Results of duplicate Links are not shown
Drainage Dynamic DDA - KU losses not accounting for # of barrels
Drainage Dynamic DDA - reverse flow in culvert with positive flow over roadway
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Culvert and road crossing flow in opposite directions
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Flat conduits are sometimes reversed
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Freeboard at dummy basin nodes incorrect
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Freeboard at basin node incorrect
Drainage Dynamic DDA - results attributes missing
Macros Created for Clients Check As Built String vs Wall Tin, over agresive centreline validate
TINS Regular Grid of Tin duplicates points
TINS Slope Analysis broken for 1v in...
Visualisation Added 3 new tree billboards

New Functionality


Mod Windes V12 file format changes

9.0C2d RC 2

Bugs Fixed

Base Superstring Fills by Mapfile need Drape Name and Drape Mode
Raster Ortho-affine panel does not work

9.0C2d RC 1

Bugs Fixed

Drainage DNE sets inlet type attribute to zero when bypass route 3 is blank
Drainage Adjust Pit locations - offset using road strings may go the wrong way
Drainage Dynamic DDA - negative hgl levels not reports
Drainage Dynamic DDA - duplicate catchments exported at diverging pits
Drainage Dynamic DNE crash while viewing second bypass shape
Drainage Dynamic Diverging Pit at US end of both strings - Basin not storing
HecRas Removed memory leak in hecras
HecRas Levess in wrong location on some exports
HecRas HECRAS view extents (ymax and ymin reversed)

New Functionality


Mod Drainage-sewer plan plot Speed up
Mod Spreadsheet IO Max pits changes to 4000


Mod Rivers - Zero Chainage Location on Cross Sections

9.0C2c RC 7

Bugs Fixed

Drainage Drainage Import Export to spreeadsheet - diverging pipes
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Pipe HGL too low in Dynamic Profile
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Bypass channel HGL too low in Dynamic Profile
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Allow detailed output on a basin link
Drainage Dynamic Remove duplicate chainage values in cross sections
Super Alignment Splitting a trailing spiral in a super alignment can give the wrong result
Survey Allow paveset to have dummy lanes

New Functionality


Mod Added export panel to drainage import export map file macro - appears if no arguments passed in

9.0C2c RC 6

Bugs Fixed

12d Field - Setout Point store setout panel possible crash on close
Base Settlement macro not compiled for 64 bit in distribution
Base Overlay should support super tins for cutting x-sections
Base Overlay can crash 12d when colouring x-sections
Base Contour 'uphill' labling not working with Supertins.
Base Trash collector could run at unusual times
Cartographic Crash possible in Projection bearing/distance measure panel
Documentation Updates to documentation and macro manual
Drainage Drainage: problem drawing junction strings in section view
Drainage Dynamic DDA - minimum freeboard attribute not correct
Plots - Drainage Plotting group attributes in drainage plots and cuts

9.0C2c RC 5

Bugs Fixed

AutoCAD Translator Add tick box to output triangles clockwise or anticlockwise
AutoCAD Translator Incorrect and missing data in dwg read
Base Check Breaklines reports phantom intersections at vertexes
Drainage Removed memory leak in hecras
Drainage Dynamic Basins need to allow for inverts of pipes to "basin links" when sitting min inverts
Drainage Dynamic Show Depth, Approach Flow and Captured Flow on "Link Inflow + Captured Inflow Flow" graph as intended
Drainage Dynamic Add Initial Abstraction to SCS infiltration
Drainage Dynamic Report last line of log file (plus warning, abort messages) if report file missing
Installation CD Incorrect title in del empty macros sample macro
Super Alignment Closed superalignment using parts with free transitions fail
Super Alignment Computators : Fillet failed to solve with two points
Super Alignment Free arc failed to show when result is > 180 degrees
Traverse spread sheet Add LTS to the survey number list

9.0C2c RC 4

Bugs Fixed

Alignment VPath is not deleting temporary DXF file
Base Tin to Tin by Height Range - Create range file has wrong file extension
Base per cord (QR)" should be "per chord (QR)"
Base Files - open with does not work in Windows 7
Drainage Pipe grading message changed from > to desired grade not acheived
Drainage DNE Import Export - stop multi line att export -
Drainage Pipe grading error message misleading
Drainage Dynamic Dynamic Profile - top of bypass section
Drainage Dynamic DNE not updating number of section points
Drainage Dynamic Inlet Capacity Equations added to Dynamic
Drainage Dynamic Do not check rational file for DDA analysis
Drainage Dynamic Retain Dynamic Loss settings when running rational
Drainage Dynamic Basins with Inlet Capture not using Sump level
Drainage Dynamic 100% capture for pits without bypass
Drainage Dynamic Pit Invert set to lowest invert at basins
Drainage Dynamic Inlet Capacity Equations added to Dynamic
Drainage Dynamic Basins with Inlet Capture not using Sump level
Drainage Dynamic 100% capture for pits without bypass
Drainage Dynamic Pit Invert set to lowest invert at basins
Drainage Dynamic Warning Message removed for raising spill levels
Drainage Dynamic Dynamic Profile - top of bypass section
Drainage Dynamic DNE not updating number of section points
Drainage Dynamic Warning Message removed for raising spill levels
Installation CD Installation is packaging the wrong version of wintileprint
LandXML LandXML converter doesn't check for valid tin, model and string names
Super Alignment Move IP tangent point doesn't snap to the correct tangent
Survey Some opcodes in the SDR editor have wrong names

New Functionality

Drainage Dynamic

Mod Retain Dynamic Loss settings when running rational

9.0C2c RC 3

Bugs Fixed

Base Add 3d drop difference to Drop onto tin in 3d panel.
Base XYZ General input vertex text error
Base Take account of service packs for Windows Vista/Windows 7
Base System Information Error
Base Change point no to point id
Base Tinability flags not correctly used in check breaklines
Base Text in Paveset Output panel source box messy.
Drainage Cleared up DNE memory leaks
Drainage Dynamic bypass routes 2 and 3 not being exported correctly
Drainage Dynamic bypass shape via grid not working
Drainage Dynamic hotstart file name ignores spaces in model name
Drainage Dynamic Default capillary suction head and saturated hydraulic conductivity values set to zero
Drainage Dynamic Overflow Volumes Added to Continuity Check
Drainage Dynamic Culvert routine over-estimating head for submerged flow
Drainage Dynamic Flooding now reported for inlets with inlet capacity
Drainage Dynamic SCS catchments with equal tc now recognise different CN/Ia
Drainage Dynamic Maximum basin depth now includes bypass channels height
Drainage Dynamic Weirs calculating non zero flow when hgl is below crest
Drainage Dynamic bypass routes 2 and 3 not being exported correctly
Drainage Dynamic Basin graph not displayed if spaces in pit name
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Dynamic Section always displaying name of 1st string in model as the name of the line
Drainage Dynamic DNE crash on outlets fixed
Drainage Dynamic Basin Volume Polygon Strings shared in error
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Dynamic Section doesn't always showing all duplicate pipes
Drainage Dynamic DDA - starting level of basin not always at the node invert
Drainage Dynamic Culvert Inlet control checked for all flow depth conditions
Drainage Dynamic Bypass to and from Basin uses only the basin node grate level
LandXML LandXML converter won't run under Windows 7 (manifest woes)
LandXML LandXML SDK can't handle unicode files
Macro Language Updated macro compilers for novell
Macros Upgrade Flip_Triangles/Add_Breakline to super strings from 3d strings.
Macros Upgrade to compare named string panel.
Plots - X-section Threshold Grade decimal setting over rides general decimals
Raster Create Rasters from ECW Files is not chainable

New Functionality


Mod Update QLD Drainage template and add 1 C value one

Drainage Dynamic

Mod DDA - Transect Summary in .rpt file unnecessary
Mod DDA - SCS shape factors can be changed to other than 484 (K=.75)
Mod Parallel outlets at basins can now converge
Mod Parallel links can now have the same string name
Mod Pit Inlet capture added to basins
Mod Storage curves start from the node invert for inlet capacity
Mod bypass shape via grid without string
Mod bypass pit LOST is no longer case sensitive
Mod DDA - Show levels where pits flood in dynamic profile
Mod Retain Dynamic Loss settings when running rational
Mod Multiple bypasses from one pit to LOST no enabled

9.0C2c RC 2

Bugs Fixed

12D XML CR and LF are not written out correctly to XML files
Base additional error checks for Brisbane City Council and Novel problem
Macros Settlement macro does not run on 64 bit
Macros Grdvol_panel not compiled for 64 bit
Sharing Sharing no longer works with UNC paths


Bugs Fixed

12D Ascii Prevented a crash in 12da reader for super string segment attributes
Base Progress meter can now handle files greater than 2 gig
Macro Language Select queries not working properly for some database types
Tags Options to register missing tags was removed, but now readded

New Functionality

12D Ascii

Mod Option to prevent invalid Super String Vertex and Segment UIDs from being written to 12da or 12dxml

9.0C2b RC 2

Bugs Fixed

Alignment Old transition types available in Alignment String Properties panel
Base Bigfoot reports 5 Million points instead of 250m
Base Regular expressions do not handle capture groups
Base Extended height returned before start of super string incorrect.
Chains Choice nodes in grids in PPFs not being populated by parameters properly
Macro Language Draw_text macro call has wrong description of a parameter
Sharing Sharing can incorrectly report a duplicate project id in some cases

New Functionality


Mod Update drainage course dataset

9.0C2b RC 1

Bugs Fixed

Alignment Create Alignment string should only show old transition types
AutoCAD Translator Missing lines from Acad copy
AutoCAD Translator allow dwg seed file to support environment variables
AutoCAD Translator Support paste from Acad 2010
Base Read DEM panel with many files clears list before each file read
Base Search Bar -doesn't display full results ( panel location cut off )
Base Missing 'C'reate mode from cad text option
Base File box in windows 7, using many files, does not return many results properly
Base Cad edit menu for 12d copy/paste
Base changed code to remove multiple implicit conversions
Base Fixed Height to RL modifier not working in some cases.
Base Tin boundary strings now have unique names
Chains New chain commands should always go below the current selection
Drainage Adjust Pit Locations may not move junction pit
Drainage Create pipe_network class to be used in pipe grading
Drainage Copy buttons added to panel
Drainage Max Grade Exceeded message < needs to be >
Drainage Dynamic DNE - diverging pipe flow always from trunk
Drainage Dynamic "basin us name" pit attribute not set on all occations
Drainage Dynamic DNE disable AMC for SCS hydrology
Drainage Dynamic Add Direct Flow to the Dynamic Report
Drainage Dynamic DDA pit graph - Grate and Invert Elev - grate level incorrect
Drainage Dynamic diverging pit need to have the pit invert recalculated
Drainage Dynamic Grid to enter pipe natural channel shapes
Drainage Dynamic Grid to enter bypass channel shapes
Drainage Dynamic DDA - using Pick Edit to select a results graph doesn't work
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Show bypass channel overtopping
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Calculate flow width of bypass channels
Drainage Dynamic DDA - bypass channels have incorrect invert elevations
Macro Language Apply / Apply Many macro calls do not allow super tins
Macro Language Set_node_text XML macro call doesn't work
Sewer Sewer house connection - section profiles
Sharing Duplicate project ids may be incorrectly reported when projects are the same but the path takes different formats
Sharing Project id reset did not reset non loaded models
Super Alignment Spelling error on compound curve panel
Volumes Tin to Tin by height range does not work for super tins
Volumes Tin to Tin Volumes by Height Range very slow

New Functionality


Mod Create tin boundaries with unique names
Mod Change cad text menu
Mod Change wording on cad symbol for justification edits
Mod Use angle mode for cad options which asking for angle
Mod Add delete and label perp. to cad text and symbol menu/toolbar

Drainage Dynamic

Mod DDA - stop validation of rational method fields before analysis
Mod Add inflow hydrograph for DDA
Mod diverging pit section view - all outgoing pipes
Mod DDA dynamic section view with pipe and bypass hgl
Mod DNE - Add error check for weir dimensions
Mod DDA - Allow inflow hydrographs at pits


Mod Reset ID now options now available from problem sharing dialogs
Mod Copying a project should allow option to reset project id for sharing purposes


Bugs Fixed

Chains PPF grids with file nodes don't get assigned parameter values properly
Chains Delete file command misses a backslash on file paths with wildcards
Documentation Updates to reference manual and extra help
Drainage Create cover,grade,drop,pit naming, roads and services files
Drainage Add set hc, pit and pipe macros to installation
Drainage Round down inverts
Drainage Dynamic DDA - DS & US HGL's not graphed correctly
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Peak values on graphs and plan views don't always match

New Functionality


Mod Routine to set pit type by pit depth and outgoing pipe size
Mod Adjust Pit location - use road string and chain/function


Mod Set hc type by depth, material by pipe and level by cover

9.0C2a RC 3

Bugs Fixed

Alignment VPath - Extrudes do not drape correctly
Base Cad Acad Copy panel
Base CAD - toolbar and menu should be the same
Base Cad 12d Copy panel
Base Paralleling closed string not producing closed string
Base Enhancements to Vpath
Base Balance Pad macro missing about functionality
Base Directory box does not browse if folder does not exist
Map Info Incorrect data being output to .tab file
Plots - general Quick plan plot can crash if plotting fails
Super Alignment Deref super alignment missing part info
Super Alignment Memory leaks in SA append option
TINS Triangulation can corrupt memory
Traverse spread sheet Update block failed to check for block order
Traverse spread sheet Add name to Parcel
Traverse spread sheet LandXML Parcel Attributes

New Functionality


Mod Allow cell method for creating a road tin from an apply many
Mod added operating system field to authorization panels
Mod improved error messages in the dwg plotter

Map Info

Mod The MapInfo Write option now has all the mapping details from the "Map" child panel as tabs on the main panel


Mod Add fs tin level to the house connection spreadsheet

Traverse spread sheet

Mod New equipment type "old adopted"

9.0C2a RC 2

Bugs Fixed

AutoCAD Translator Plotters.4d to support DWG 2010
Base Reading an SLF no longer reads a DDF, if there is one
Chains Add model to view regular expressions not working properly
Drainage analysis Drainage Utility Editor Crashes when vertex select is used
Drainage Dynamic Graph of Bypass - all results has incorrect US HGL level
Drainage Dynamic Bypass Links to wrong section
Drainage Dynamic Natural Channel Centre roughness not read correctly
Drainage Dynamic Basin Storage Curve Duplicate top points
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Graphs for basins sometimes missing
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Update Engine with new 9C2 libraries
Super Alignment Floating line should work with fixed line
Traverse spread sheet TSS Old ID search

New Functionality

Drainage Dynamic

Mod DNE disable the max ponding depth
Mod DDA Add pipe attributes for us and ds velocity and VxD
Mod DDA - All Inflows and Outflows difficult to interpret

9.0C2a RC 1

Bugs Fixed

12d Field - General GUI Issue in GPS localisation panel, z translate should be set to 0 when tin in use.
Alignment Auto Curve Widening should be relative not absolute
Base Symbol Grid Cell force creates the symbol
Base Better reporting for parse errors of attributes
Base some mtf panels are not dumping
Base MTF Strings Modifiers not parsing strings properly
Base Missing create_widgets entries
Base Mapping via String and Vertex attributes does not work
Base Duplicate image dumps for super alignments
Base Catch exceptions on reading corrupt models
Base Cuts calc with tick box for super strings
Base Drape name with solid filled super strings does not draw colour correctly
Base Template Input - Decisions with a 'Continue'
Base remove trailing " in add/remove models from view
Base Polygon_Box does not create usable log lines for bad polygons
Base 12d can crash when closing a minimized panel
Base Database format updated
Conformance Update pavement conformance to display vertex id's rather than string name.
Documentation Updates to reference manual
Drainage Drainage Quantities Report - Too many messages
Drainage Save flag not set for drainage attributes
Drainage Using rgb colours in catchments file removes solid fills.
Drainage Drains Interface - array error
Drainage Dynamic DDA - surcharging inlet using not using the full channel area
Drainage Dynamic DDA - surcharging inlet - first step calcs not quite correct
Drainage Dynamic DDA problem - orifice depth goes to zero when head = 0
Drainage Dynamic Flows in bypass channels are occurring early
Drainage Dynamic HGL's of weirs not correct when flow reverses
Drainage Dynamic Very high velocities
Drainage Dynamic Bypass flow on plan plot incorrect
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Sag pits with no depth are capturing flow
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Total catchment flow not always correct
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Add "Total Inflows & Outflows" to Node Results
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Allow pit capture at pits without bypass
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Slow to update attributes
Drainage Dynamic DNE basin link without pipe crash
Drainage Dynamic DDA - orifice flow under backwater conditions
Drainage Dynamic DDA - minimum area not used for all node cases
Drainage Dynamic When no bypass - Node spill level should be grate level
Drainage Dynamic DDA bypass links using length of 10
Drainage Dynamic diverging pit.... graphics copy pit cover and grate levels to the diverging pit so that section views look correct
Drainage Dynamic DNE diverging pit - always display diverging pit details
Drainage Dynamic DDA check for dry node setting not referencing correct depth
Drainage Dynamic DNE - error message has impervious instead of pervious
Drainage Dynamic Crash in EPA Culvert calcs
Drainage Dynamic Report Non-Convergence
Drainage Dynamic Oscillations in circular conduits as pipe approaches full depth
Drainage Dynamic Flow instabilities in river models
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Reported channel flooding when channel not full
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Simulation windows are all identical
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Oscillations in flows discharging into shallow basins
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Incorrect Freeboard
Drainage Dynamic Update 12d libraries for dynamic drainage.exe
Macro Language Latest version of cc4d with additional macro calls
Macros settlement macro stopped ignoring null levels
Macros Super Tin - Create_Z_values_from_Tin_Differences
Macros Updates to Linemarking tree macro panel
Macros Updates to Create rds kret convert panel
Macros Fix TP Alignment macro memory leaks.
Macros Legend create macro updated
Plots - Drainage Drainage plan ppf - bubbles not cleaned
Plots - Drainage Plan plot always plots zero diameter pipes
Plots - Drainage Drainage plan plot - text from deleted attributes not delete
Sharing 12d Model can leave share locks behind when crashing
Sharing Tins/models from projects with a duplicate project id can no longer be shared
TINS Apply Many tin randomly changes
Volumes Volumes using a model of polygons does not sum volumes.

New Functionality


Mod Extra fields in Error Authorizing Release Version
New Added a copy a PVF panel
Mod Vehicle path given a makeover


Mod Drainage plan plot - attributes to attributed block

Drainage analysis

Mod DUE Enhancements - Qc instead of Qa for flooded width

Drainage Dynamic

Mod DDA update reports and plan plots

Plots - Drainage

Mod Add junction names for all diverging outgoing pipes

Plots - general

Mod Added Plot frame parameters to Create/edit Title Block

9.0C1f RC 7

Bugs Fixed

Base Create/Edit/Delete/Set Projection options now available without survey license
Macro Language Grid Volumes (Grid cell) now allow Super Tins
Super Alignment Linestyles no longer drawn on section view
Super Alignment Reversing a non-computator SA was failing
Super Alignment A new flag introduced to the super alignment (optional length) broke backwards compatibility for super alignments

New Functionality


Mod Updates to documentation for V9C1f

9.0C1f RC 7

Bugs Fixed

Base Create/Edit/Delete/Set Projection options now available without survey license
Macro Language Grid Volumes (Grid cell) now allow Super Tins
Super Alignment Linestyles no longer drawn on section view
Super Alignment Reversing a non-computator SA was failing
Super Alignment A new flag introduced to the super alignment (optional length) broke backwards compatibility for super alignments

New Functionality


Mod Updates to documentation for V9C1f

9.0C1f RC 6

Bugs Fixed

Base Customize toolbar panel allowed toggling of view control bars
Documentation Updated macro manual and online help
Drainage Dynamic DDA create a spreadsheet export for SCS hydrology
Drainage Dynamic Drainage and SEWER plot - duplicate strings and delete crash
Drainage Dynamic DDA Allow bypass channels at weirs, orifices and pumps
eSurvey Incorrect major arc in Landxml import
Traverse spread sheet Parcel oID should be removed from name when import xml data

New Functionality

Drainage Dynamic

Mod Update basin so they do not require an outlet pipe


Mod Centre for arc observation
Mod Remove parcel fills from Landxml import

Traverse spread sheet

Mod Add/remove monument purposes
Mod Save TSS when point info being "Set"
Mod Change survey class from I, II, III, IV to A, B, C, D
Mod Add "renewed" to monument state
Mod New parcel classes for LoL 1.2
Mod Monument mapping for LoL xml 1.2

9.0C1f RC 5

Bugs Fixed

Base Text style field in super string properties does not validate properly
Base Info button on super string editor doesn't work
Base Update Checker should include a link to the file in the whats new text
Documentation Super string editor help button doesn't work
Drainage Dynamic DDA pit/pipe attribute for channels overtopping
Drainage Dynamic Node areas not correct for adverse grades
Drainage Dynamic DDA rename bypass section shape strings
Drainage Dynamic DDA - NZ TP108 tc method for grass channels
Drainage Dynamic DNE default tc methods not being saved
Drainage Dynamic DDA - lower basin invert is outlet pipes are lower
Drainage Dynamic Node volumes not correct for continuity error calcs
Drainage Dynamic DDA - SCS hydrology tc in hrs not min
Drainage Dynamic DDA - remove rational surcharge error messages
Macro Language Textstyle data boxes not displayed properly in grids in the macro language
Macros Alignment Z Differences from Alignment to Tin Select box problem
Super Alignment Radius being written out instead of kvalue in VIP ascii writer
Super Alignment Default IP mode should be radius instead of speed
Traverse spread sheet Landonline xml reader may create invalid model

New Functionality

Drainage Dynamic

Mod Variable Rainfall Patterns for NZ

9.0C1f RC 4

Bugs Fixed

Base View->Toolbar option cleaned up
Base Startup Panel Utilities do not check for a locked project
Base Create symbol should use colour from the toolbar
Base Symbol default colour not from toolbar
Base Source_Box filter does not have Circle in choice of string types
Base Cuts through strings should not find invisible segments
Drainage analysis Minor-Major event prefix
Drainage Dynamic DDA - sag pits not draining at end of run
Drainage Dynamic DDA - error messages not printing
Drainage Dynamic DDA - restrict interpolatoin tables to section depth
Drainage Dynamic DNE graph results - export to file changes the 12d working folder preventing project save
Drainage Dynamic DDA - manholes exported as NOT bolted as default
Drainage Dynamic DDA - Grate & Invert Elev Graph with -99999
Drainage Dynamic xpswmm - xpx file format change and addcentre line vertices
Drainage Dynamic DDA - correct flows and areas for multiple barrel
eSurvey Missing parcel state from xml import
Macro Language Grid box in macro calls crashes with Named Tick box
Super Alignment Super alignment rotation using angle instead of bearing
Survey Adjustable Column widths for Survey_QA_2_Panel.4do
Training CD's and DVD's Road Depths.drf incorrect

New Functionality


Mod String rename by number

Drainage Dynamic

Mod Reduce size of DNE panel
Mod DDA - scs curve number composite pit attribute
Mod DDA graphs - restrict max result value
Mod DNE Section viewer
Mod Manhole grate and cover modes added

9.0C1f RC 3

Bugs Fixed

Base Models->Utility->Copy Project Models - does not copy model attributes
Base Project copy move does not handle 12d naming conventions properly
Base Ortho Affine Panel locks up if not enough points selected.
Drainage analysis DA QUDM vegetation default for set 1 and 2 now stored correctly
Super Alignment Convert elements to IPs failed when arc >= 180
Super Alignment Label crest/sag miss the first curve
Super Alignment Reading optional length of floating line failed
Survey Paveset output processing incorrect data sets despite detecting this.

New Functionality

Drainage Dynamic

Mod Hydro file - variable time step for temporal patterns
Mod DDA Graph terms of the dynamic flow equation


Mod Decode parcel name and remove oID from Landxml import

Super Alignment

Mod Add optional length for floating line bearing

9.0C1f RC 2

Bugs Fixed

Alignment Bloss drawing on screen.
Survey Topcon LN3 output was broken.

9.0C1f RC 1

Bugs Fixed

Alignment MTF Rename - Browse button shows *.*, should be *.mtf
Base XYZCH Offset panels can output inconsistent results
Base Tin boundary strings now have unique names
Drainage Dynamic DDA calc section shapes on set pit details NOT apply
Drainage Dynamic Drainage course files for the practice version
Drainage Dynamic DNE - slope for lost bypass
Drainage Dynamic Bypass flow attribute being incorrectly reported
Drainage Dynamic Tide Gate not working
Drainage Dynamic Grotty formatting in .rpt file
Drainage Dynamic Dynamic Drainage bypass links
Drainage Dynamic Dynamic Drainage error in subcatchment flow attributes
Drainage Dynamic Dynamic Drainage volume misclose
Drainage Dynamic Dynamic Drainage Consider bypass flow checkbox not working
Drainage Dynamic Dynamic Drainage - Small basins don't need dummy links

New Functionality


Mod Create tin boundaries with unique names

Drainage Dynamic

Mod DDA create pipe attributes for us and ds pits
Mod DDA attribute to stop temp folder from being deleted
Mod Drainage Utility String Editor - do not clear textstyle favourite
Mod DDA flap gate
Mod DDA Basin links are now optional
Mod Dynamic Drainage - Multiple pipes


Bugs Fixed

AutoCAD Translator 12d can crash when using a copy (of copy/paste) to Autocad
Base Pressing ESC or RMB on Copy to ACAD will crash 12d

9.0C1e RC 3

Bugs Fixed

12d Field - Setout Store point setup would crash if backup was from model name and the model name was invalid.
Alignment Supertins not available in Boxing Many
Base Check Breaklines of Sets may skip strings
Base Target calc takes copy of tins and other elements when it shouldn't
Base Fencing super strings can miss some inside or outside parts
Base New mapfile can allow illegal string,model,linestyle names
Base New XYZ Ch Offset does restore all fields from an SLF or Chains
Drainage Network quantaties limited to 200 count lines
Drainage Dynamic Looped bypass and pipe flow error
Drainage Dynamic Reversing Flow Not Surcharging To Bypass Correctly
Drainage Dynamic Error message needed when results not found
Drainage Dynamic Link Inflow + Captured Inflow plot shows catchment
Drainage Dynamic DDA macro import crash if Links > 1000
Drainage Dynamic tailwater set to critical/normal does not change results
Drainage Dynamic Drainage zip needs to handle hydro and ppf files better
Drainage Dynamic Bypass section shapes not exported
Drainage Dynamic Max flow attributes - need to look at max neg flows
Drainage Dynamic bypass to LOST - LOST grate level
Drainage Dynamic Dynamic max catchment flow attribute required
Drainage Dynamic Add attributes for surface bypass HGL's
Drainage Dynamic DDA Only create max bypass attribute if bypass
Drainage Dynamic Qa and Basin Volume Result attributes duplicated
Drainage Dynamic Continuity Error includes bypass
HecRas 4d strings report that they do not intersect with a super string
Survey Topcon converters missing DLL.

New Functionality

12D Ascii

Mod Allow empty models to be created.

9.0C1e RC 2

Bugs Fixed

12d Field - General Leica 1200 PS, make default left with swing rather than window.
12d Field - Setout Changing string name on TDF control bar affecting current storing of point.
Alignment Reporting kerb return functions will crash 12d
Base Cannot save if working directory is changed by 3rd party tools
Base Cannot convert face strings to 3d strings - the face strings are converted to face strings
Base Cannot triangulate old face strings - they should act like 3d strings
Base Polygon Discovery - Pick Many now shows error messages
Base Sameas for Drainage Pits/Pipes Attributes does not work
Base Clear in MTF editor should actually clear the line
DGN Map file : Model names with illegal characters from DGN Reader
Drainage Drainage spreadsheet io - import of pipe name is not setting pipe name
Drainage Infoworks interface import error on diverging pipes
Drainage Dynamic Multiple bypass pits added
Drainage Dynamic Error in trapezoidal and v-notch weir export
Drainage Dynamic Error message if basin link and outlet or not the same string
Drainage Dynamic Advanced Edit Insert and Delete Manholes - fixed
Genio Text Height is being ignored on Genio Input
LandXML Natural Clothoid was not able to be written to Leica 1200
Super Alignment Superalignments : Start & End Chainage
Super Alignment Create Super Alignment Design tab
Super Alignment Computator fixed parabola from point grade and radius
Super Alignment Computator tin drape ex now works with super tins
Survey On Grade function reversing crossfalls fixed
Survey Allow user to set 'internal' tin name in Topcon TN3 files.

New Functionality

Drainage Dynamic

Mod Results graph update to 3 decimal place
Mod Set or change attributes via a chain (macro)
Mod New Zealand Rainfall file with Curve Numbers


New Added environment variable ALLOW_SUPER_TINS_EXACT_CALCS_4D

9.0C1e RC 1

Bugs Fixed

12d Field - General Command key via keyboard control widget didn't handle mutli char commands.
12d Field - General Added GNGGQ NMEA string format to GPS NMEA library.
12d Field - Setout Ensure FLD file is flushed every write.
AutoCAD Translator SIMPLEX textstyle missing dwg settings
Base Label Map File not labelling Element Attributes
Base Calculate correct sized extent box for multi-line shx/shp text
Base Fencing super strings can miss some inside or outside parts
Base Toggling names on for plan view shows wrong string name for renamed super alignment
Base Multiline text with blank lines does not calculate extent box
Base Allow a many pick for flood polygon
Base Super grid control buttons in wrong place
Base Highlight in Strings Attributes for pt strings dislay lines in green
Base Lost Drafting Utility in V9
Base MTF editor cells may not format properly when quotes used
Chains Super alignment chain command can crash if chain is no longer valid
Conformance QA Report - As built vs Design string, uids in headers
Conformance QA Report - Asbuilt_vs_tin_h_dif_panel, uids in headers
Drainage connectivity pit attributes - us pit string id and us pit index error
Drainage Spreadsheet import format "from to" would no longer work
Drainage pit schedule - update
Drainage Improve error messages when spreadsheet export runs
Drainage spreadsheet io - list files.... type missing on some columns
Drainage remove xfall and grade problem messages for sag pits
Drainage analysis Catchment string error colour optional
Drainage Dynamic add extra error messages when section strings do not drape
Drainage Dynamic bypass flows not shown in graph
Drainage Dynamic Graphs need to be closed before analysis solved
Drainage Dynamic Inlet capacity calcs are not using the choke factors
Drainage Dynamic create attribute to stop the deletion of the temp project
Drainage Dynamic DNE - set default bypass shape cannot be set
Drainage Dynamic Pipe Direct Discharge causing errors
Drainage Dynamic HGL not shown on the Basin link and should always be horizontal
Drainage Dynamic diverging basin... when basin removed.. not all links have conduit type basin removed
Genio Text to GENIO counts as null z values
Installation CD ISOCP in fonts.4d was defined as a true type font
Macro Language macro call Print(Text) can only print 1023 characters
Macro Language macro call Set_data(Source_Box,Text) can crash 12d
Macros Updated Topcon Road output to handle super alignments.
Macros Updated Sokkia Road output to handle super alignments.
Network Adj Solving angle with known bst, fst, unknown ins and two distances to the ins
Super Alignment SA Create still has Speed ip
Super Alignment Vertical speed calc gives incorrect k-value
Super Alignment NO Sag Label from single fixed 3 point parabola
Super Alignment SA Kerb Return, Compound Parabola Error
Super Alignment Finish and Close buttons not active in Create Super Alignment
Super Alignment Modify wording on equality chainage query panel
Super Alignment Override mistakenly added to create SA panel in v9
Tags Tag panel had no help button

New Functionality


Mod Add function type to pit schedule macro

Super Alignment

Mod Proper error messages for alignment tools


New DEM's and Grids over tins
New Supertins now work


Bugs Fixed

12d Field - Setout Missing del_x, del_y attributes from info/nav pages
Base Head to Tail Points can crash
Base All string select boxes in Source_Box now have pick_only set as true
Drainage DNE Utility String Editor, attributes not saved
Drainage Create a drainage network class and export connectivity to attributes
Drainage Dynamic multiple basin outlets
Drainage Dynamic DNE pick network - preference to selected string
Drainage Dynamic DNE pipe discharge coef not stored
Drainage Dynamic Crash if utility string deleted/edited while editor open
Macros Created for Clients Balance a pad macro did not work very well.
Network Adj LSA write incorrect .in file
Super Alignment Vertical offset grade doesn't take offset height value

New Functionality

Drainage Dynamic

Mod Update drainage.4d to include manhole and pipe type for basin, weir and orifice


Mod Genio outputs now have a tick to ignore checks

9.0C1d RC 3

Bugs Fixed

12d Field - General Added support for old Leica TCA1100 TPS instrument
12d Field - Setout Attribute structure in .FLD backup was mangled.
Base read genio [advanced] fails when reading an SLF
Drainage Drainage utility string - not setting left bank on first pick
Drainage Dynamic Ku method update for revrsing flow
Drainage Dynamic Changes for spikes in reversing flow conditions
Drainage Dynamic runoff volumes in 1000 m3 not m3
Drainage Dynamic Ku levels not added to upstream hgl
Drainage Dynamic low pipe has strange hgl
Drainage Dynamic 12d hangs if a locked drainage model is selected by the DNE
Drainage Dynamic Bypass section shape n values (maybe pipe shapes as well
Drainage Dynamic Dynamic run time settings from DNE
Drainage Dynamic section shape roughnesses to be stored on the drainage string
Drainage Dynamic basin outlet pipe does not show hgl levels
Drainage Dynamic Drainage dynamic - direct pipe flow need to be implemented
Drainage Dynamic Dynamic Drainage results for basin not shown at time
Plots - general Section Long Plot PPF Editor does not hav *.spc for special chainage files
Survey 12d can crash when saving an SDR function
Survey Geodimeter/Trimble Road Upload panels couldn't handle superalignments.

New Functionality


Mod Upgraded Leica RoadRunnerAnnOn to latest version V7.02.


Mod Drainage Pipe invert and diameter locks

Drainage Dynamic

Mod calculated pit max approach flow and calculated pit max bypass flow

9.0C1d RC 2

Bugs Fixed

Base Vista file browser returns an incorrect path
Drainage Drainage Toolbar - update
Plots - general PPF's Horizontal Scale go missing

New Functionality

Super Alignment

New Compound floating transition for railway - solving with free arc from end

9.0C1d RC 1

Bugs Fixed

12D Ascii 12d Ascii reader allows illegal characters for model and tin names
12d Field - General Pause command for scripts
12d Field - Setout Missing attributes for measured to setout point values.
12d Field - Setout Sometimes couldn't setout chainage zero, (exact start of string)
12d Field - Setout Corridor cut if setout section view nominated had unitialised values passed in.
12d Field - Setout Position TPS Panel
12d Field - Setout Added position 2d/3d/last xy to hot keys.
12d Field - Setout Can now use supertin in 12dField.
12d Field - Setout Call to get element/tin reference from config file could crash 12d.
AutoCAD Translator \n Newlines to AutoCAD in plotting not supported yet
AutoCAD Translator AutoCAD Arcs into 12D
AutoCAD Translator Drainage plan plot native size symbols 180 deg rotated
Base Check Breaklines may double up on checking intersections, duplicate vertexes
Base Log lines for identical strings of Check Breaklines do not pan to the centre of the string.
Base Modifier_Chainage_Box uses "dispay precision" rather than "box_precision"
Base Copy/Paste from output window to clipboard slows down when many lines are selected.
Base Grid control cannot copy selected cells past line 65536
Base Make Select Information more consistant for 4d, text, and super strings for Textstyle, text height etc
Base Defaults panel should load the current value of NAME_MAPPINGS_4D, and be optional
Base Login retry' not being saved properly
Base Missing icon for 'pan delta'
Base 12d usage log files - unix time bug
Base Updates forced by new DWG library
Base Allow Create Tin Faces to work in chains
Base ALLOW_SUPER_TINS_EXACT_CALCS_12D is no longer needed to enable super tins
Base Add a bool to Dongle_12d::logout to force the object back to a true logged out state
Base File browser does not return path properly if starting in user_lib etc
Conformance User definable units for Check As-Built String V Design String macro.
Drainage Set pit details crashes if no drainage strings in model
Drainage drainage quantity report updated for box culverts, trap channels and multiple pipes
Drainage analysis Drainage Basins - No super tins
Drainage analysis DNE crash if no string is selected in the pick
Drainage Dynamic Approach flow results graphs
Drainage Dynamic when reading hydro file in macro allow a blank zone
Drainage Dynamic Apply removing manual grade and slope values
Drainage Dynamic replace lock file with monitor calls from macro
Drainage Dynamic low pipe has strange hgl
Drainage Dynamic Pack and go for drainage files and models
Drainage Dynamic EPA engine changes
Drainage Dynamic tooltips updated
Installation CD Help installer thinks there is not enough disk space
LandXML LandXML readers does not honour Model for Surfaces
Macro Language new macro calls embedded extrusions on super strings
Macro Language Tin macro calls to better handle Super tin
Macro Language Get_number_of_nodes macro call crashes when there are no children
Macro Language Passing XML_Node as function parameters crashes 12d
Macro Language attribute exists macro calls for super string vertex/segment and drainage string vertex/segment return 0 for success
Macro Language Fixed call for creating Grid box / Super Grid box
Macros Added Supertin support to Points_vs_tin_z_dif_panel.4dm
Macros Allow supertins and user defined start ch in Aligndiff_panel.4dm
Network Adj Angle-distance solving should done before distances solving
Super Alignment Super Alignment Labels - SAG and CREST points
Super Alignment Missing textstyle name for IP label cause a crash
Super Alignment Corridor missing
Super Alignment Computator Fixed Points - Chainage offset calcs wrong superelevation
Super Alignment Kerb return function default vertical mode to absolute
Super Alignment Return error code when element to ip conversion failed to solve
Super Alignment Kerb Return Extensions v8 - v9 differences
Super Alignment Unable to save computator relative start and end if they are both zero
Super Alignment alignment style doesn't allow postfix
Survey Allow QA report via point Id rather than radius.
Survey Leica_DBX.exe is no longer installed in the nt.x86 directory
Survey Editing SDR commands null angles puts crazy angle into Angle_Box.
Survey .IN files, couldn't handle multiple spaces, 'null' or quotes.
Survey Survey Data Reduction string attributes end up on the last string.
TINS Tin Analysis Faces creates non solid super string faces if use_super_strings_4d = 1
TINS Fix broken drop point onto tin in 3d
TINS Contouring a super tin can fail
TINS Tin Drop Point 3d stopped working
TINS Super tins do not visualize on opening a project
Visualisation Change environment variable VIEW_BACKING_STORE_4D to OPENGL_VIEW_BACKING_STORE_4D

New Functionality


Mod Cad rectangle commands with keyboard shortcuts for radius
Mod Rewrite cad rectangle by width and height
Mod Added SHOW_OPTION_EXECUTION_TIME_4D to env.4d editor
Mod Allow more view panels to be chainable


Mod Australian conversions not chainable

Drainage Dynamic

New Add Variable Tailwater levels to hydro file and DNE
Mod run time variable to display results at variable time steps
New Basin data grid data input
New chain calls for drainage set pit details and regrade pipes
Mod Plan plot ppf update for ACAD mapping
Mod calculated pit max approach flow and calculated pit max bypass flow
Mod Drainage utility string editor - add string labels and cross section attributes

Installation CD

Mod Front end change

Macro Language

New New macro call for ppf's
New New macro calls to create and monitor whether a process is still running


Mod Decimal box for bearing in radial report
Mod Include const z in Radial report
New Added new macro for processing RTA specific GSI files


Bugs Fixed

12d Field - General Trimble SPS881 no longer allows a script file
12d Field - General Bluetooth problems could cause deadlocks or crashes
12d Field - General Onscreen keyboard did not shutdown properly
12d Field - General Spelling of Topcon corrected for GPS units.
12d Field - General Output window reported successfully connected to instrument when it might not be.
12d Field - General Couldn't enter GPS sim without a NMEA string, now creates a default NMEA string.
12d Field - General If TPS instrument configuration wasn't found couldn't close 12dField.
12d Field - General Instrument choice box should be read only
12d Field - General Now disable measure keys when doing 12da backups.
12d Field - General Allow user to set search pattern for Topcon 9000.
12d Field - General Trimble SPS881, GPS specific attributes were not being written.
12d Field - General Time stamp of TPS shot stored was time of pressing STORE, not when the shot was taken
12d Field - Setout Linestyle not found crashed 12d/12dField
12d Field - Setout Tin section view was broken.
12d Field - Setout GPS settings panel was too big for tablet.
12d Field - Setout GPS Plan pole size setting had no effect, now drawn as per TPS
12d Field - Setout Store Setup Panel - Workflow modifications
12d Field - Setout Point Store Setup crashes if 12da populated from model data.
12d Field - Setout Pickup section view now auto extends to pole position.
12d Field - Setout Helmert setup name/model should have been optional.
12d Field - Setout Internal, implement TDF_Choice_Box
12d Field - Setout Added a button for positioning TPS to checkshot.
12d Field - Setout Helmert, widgets mismatched on the 'levels/use' page.
12d Field - Setout Draw box minimum width not being set correctly.
Alignment 12d could crash if Amend string in MTF is not found
Alignment Modifier : Cut Width to tin
Alignment Insert full template does not insert the fixed template correctly
Alignment Create roads crash on Function edit or recalc
Alignment File_Read_Auto_Close is not needed
AutoCAD Translator Block attributes failed to import when up vector is not 1
AutoCAD Translator Acad Copy Rectangle
AutoCAD Translator Copy rectangle may crash 12d
Base Allow attribute path names in more options
Base Profile Model strings puts crazy chainage value when model is not a cross sections model
Base Attribute groups not available through macro calls
Base Speed improvements for large projects
Base Saving a label map file can lose leading/trailing spaces
Base X Y Z S reader is not resizable
Base Log lines tried to autopan to a crazy coordinate.
Base Performing an undo after a File Input saves the data before deleting it
Base 12d could crash when exiting
Base Points file was not being read correctly
Base Fixed crash in Ascii Read of super alignment in V9
Base Depth Contours with -ve interval
Base Optional weed tolerance added to Create Roads
Base Attributes Toggle reset did nothing
Base Edit Super Tin should only display super tins
Base Create lots by point inside menu for polygon discovery did not work
Base Clicking on map file log line error did not expand the tree to the correct node
Base Status bar behaves strangely when resizing in non maximised mode
Base Blank directory box does not open the working folder on browse
Base Insert template does not work with superelevate and widening
Base Sharing environment variables did not use _4D extension
Base Joining super strings of differing tinability or visibility does not work correctly
Base "Height to RL" modifier was not being read in from MTF file.
Base 12d crashes if quit when onscreen keyboard is docked
Base OnScreen keyboard crashes when in auto hide mode
Base Project zip did not work when there was a space in the project name
Base Drafting | Text and Tables | Table Create Edit needsedSurvey license
Base Super strings symbol rotate was in radians
Base SLF does not work for Cad Acad menu
Base Check Breaklines may create an identicals model that crashes 12d on a model clean/delete
Base Check Breaklines may move "identical" strings from shared/read only models.
Base Cad Move Copy and Rotate Face string
Base Tinability of vertex 2
Base Illegal attribute names could be created.
Cartographic Winter nValue did not work when above 10° south
Cartographic Environment variables for Winter geoid calcs.
Chains Some view settings options not chainable
Chains Quantities panel not chainable
Chains SA resolve command not using ids properly
Chains Chain parameters were stripping trailing spaces
Chains Chain command to delete files by wildcard did not work
DGN DGN Input - New View
Drainage drainage utility string crash when accepting cursor snap
Drainage Add attribute pathing to spreadsheet report macro
Drainage Drainage import export - disable tick boxes
Drainage Ilsax rainfall editor did not allow a file to be selected
Drainage SAG ponds not created for super tins
Drainage analysis update drainage.4d for V9
Drainage analysis Updated drainage.4d for V9
Drainage Dynamic Changed graph names to make consistant with V8 terms
Drainage Dynamic check if super tin has been selected for volumes in V9
Drainage Dynamic Dyn depression storage attribute was not being loaded by DNE
Drainage Dynamic Changing from dynamic to rational did not enable fields
LandXML LandXML, reading of trans_map file was broken.
LandXML Read LandXML files does not track the data correctly for the Anonymous Function
Macro Language New function call for group attributes
Macros EXDS TP_Alignment_Panel macro did not handle cubic parabolas correctly.
Plots - general Plotters.4d can crash with very long devmode or devnames parameters
Sharing Models and tins can be made shareable with NULL guids
Sharing Added environment variable to force sharing to use absolute paths
Super Alignment Crash in vertical floating line solver
Super Alignment Vertical point cut may not solve if 2 strings just touch
Super Alignment Spelling mistake in SA properties panel
Super Alignment Computator regression line doesn't give the right direction
Super Alignment Computator fixed line point bearing doesn't update parameters
Survey Recompiled survey raw to field macros for V9
Survey New SDR opcode 14 for Check Coordinate
Survey Failure in the reading of a RD3 file could crash 12d.
Survey Read Topcon files did not track the data correctly for the Anonymous Function
Survey LandXML, add default transition mapping for Leicas.
Traverse spread sheet Read LandOnline files did not track the data correctly for the Anonymous Function
Visualisation 12d Tree/shrub faces crash 12d with too high a number entered
Visualisation Billboard file contained an image that did not exist
Visualisation Stack Overflow in OpenGL Window

New Functionality

12d Field - General

New Added an onscreen keyboard for 12d Field Use
New Add version of new virtual keyboard as a num-pad only.

12d Field - Setout

Mod Allow user defined size of cross at current position.
New Added instrument type for Leica TS/TM 30.
Mod Now able to trigger 2d/3d turn to new setout point automatically.
Mod Allow to clear setout offsets or warn 1st up if surface shift is on, e.g. non zero.
Mod Added option to have the setout chaninge always set to 0.0 on selecting a new string.


Mod Allow wildcards in tadpoles


Mod Add tick boxes to Model Info Panel and View Info Panel to prevent looking for null levels or point id ranges
Mod Symbol Data Panel changed Offset/Raise to Offset x/Offset y
New Get and set attribute calls to allow groups via xpath


Mod Large speed up of 'Winter' N value calculations


Mod Use log line for when chain resolve super alignment fails


Mod Read Civilcad AS5 files with multi line text


Mod Grading mode - vertical bend angle
Mod Qdirect totalled using Set Pit details
Mod Attribute pathing in DNE
Mod Grading mode - vertical bend angle

Drainage Dynamic

Mod Diverging pipes and duplicate pit names
Mod Horton losses


Mod Trimble Link now impliments Check Coordinate when downloading as coordinates
Mod Added new tick to Survey Data Reduction to control backsights with an azimuth defined.


Bugs Fixed

12d Field - Setout Satellite button does not update under Vista
12d Field - Setout Point Inc and Point Dec behaviour was incorrect
Base Create Roads Manager incorrectly creating function when using a DDF
Base Boxing many could crash if tin creation from cut sections failed
Base Project diary does not stop you from exiting 12d if unsaved
Base Modifier Start/End Modes was failing when opposite dir to SA
Base MTF files were not reading comments
Base Select was not displaying transition type, (clothoid, cubic parabola..).
Base Project copy could crash when copying the working directory
Base Reloading a workspace with toolbars locked crashes
Base Added functionality to fit natural clothoid between any 2 arcs.
Base Polygon discovery does not calc extent on all strings
Base FIle Output XYZ General now supports xpathing for attributes
Base Tin inquire from a tin to a string, warps the cursor when picking the string.
Base Project diary did not show bold dates properly
Base Diary did not correctly disable or enable edit / delete buttons
Base Toolbar images may become corrupted in some cases
Base Corner Splays were displaying strange z values
Base Pavement Overlay was loading xfalls from strings incorrectly
Base Update checker did not run on some machines
Base MTF editor did not remember reference type if string is lost
Chains Grid parameters could not contain other parameters
Chains File boxes did not write out SLF properly in some cases
Chains Model parameters did not work in plotting
LandXML Created transition type mapping box for LandXML issues.
Macros QA REPORT=>Check asbuilt string vs design string, validate problem when no string selected.
Macros As built_vs_tin_h_dif_panel was trying to validate model not added to dialog.
Network Adj Least Squares input file with spaces in station names were not imported
Super Alignment Change start chainage should update vertical as well
Super Alignment Compound taper did not work with arcs
Super Alignment Computator ref string may not have solved if start or end at vertex
Super Alignment Reporting Transition (Spiral) Types in SA
Super Alignment Cubic parabola could calculate the wrong radius on some machines
Survey "Incorrect" spiral type for cubic parabola was written to Leica LandXML output.
Traverse spread sheet Check for valid parcel when exporting to landxml
Traverse spread sheet TSS NZ Report Bug
Traverse spread sheet TSS could crash when finding a parcel

New Functionality

12d Field - Setout

New Added Trimble SPS881 GPS to instrument selection


Mod Map file to allow pipes/culverts to be defined by segment attributes
New V9 will now check silently for updates when an internet connection is available
New MTF errors now flash output window.
New Added a file input foe the TOT format - a South African format
New File_Box with mulitple extensions now allow browsing for the inclusive set
New Added additional menu items for 12d Track
New Added environment variable to control default width of edit fields


Mod Grid parameters can now use nested parameters

Macro Language

New Add get size macro calls for images


Bugs Fixed

12d Field Helmert now prompts for target height first shot
12d Field 1200 EDM setting mode was not being changed via Geocom
12d Field Instruments were always loading default prism/edm setup.
12d Field Topcon A7 prism constant should be -2mm, not +2mm
12d Field Change text to 12da backup interval to make clear it's in seconds
12d Field 12dField would crash in point setout when the point to store is set to the setout id.
12d Field Added some missing attributes in 12dField
12d Field Some instruments were not reported correctly in attributes. (Javad&Magellan GPS)
12d Field Target height attribute wasn't written out for GPS
Alignment Log lines for MTF can ignore comment lines
AutoCAD Translator V8 Write DWG in V9
AutoCAD Translator Read AutoCAD Blocks : Explode
Base New project panel does not always open created project properly
Base Introduced new env variables to handle how linestyles, symbols and toolbars handle duplicates
Base Create new project should check if it can quit the current one
Base Should only draw cad bearing/distance in plan view
Base Some super strings with linestyles draw on perspective views at height 0.0
Base Allow user default sizes for new MTF editor (via env variable)
Base Updated drive, joy etc panels to work with Vista
Base Output with lassoo
Base MTF edit panel, missing 'side' in string modifier.
Base Helmert 3d least squares iteration calc's incorrect.
Base Remove from list on project selection screen context menu did not work
Base Projects can appear in the project list twice if the project name has a space
Base Project diary started too large for lower resolutions
Base Fixed to String Modifier was failing to write to MTF correctly when 'both sides' selected.
Base Bug in base part of mapfile editor, colours not shown
Base Environment Configuration panel could crash when deleting
Base Diary can crash when deleting entries
Base Updated MTF descriptions to use streams AND active defaults precision
Base MTF, made 'Before' box for inserting links optional
Base Project Selection duplicate entries
Base Cant read converted mapfile in V9C1aRC2
Base Dongle required 'retry' to be hit more than once
Base Angle Box can end up with more than 1 degrees character
Base Transition Calculations can blow up
Base Manifest problems in 64 bit version
Base Applying Forests in Mapping File
Base Delete all functions can crash when not using the trash bin
Base Partial Cubic Parabola does not solve
Base Dongle checking now on a separate thread
Base 12d didn't quit from project selection panel
Base End Area Volume from Tin to Sections created illegal string names
Base SLF's and Chains were broken for Global Super panels
Base Text style favourites -> Edits
Base Options that do not work for super alignments lacking VG
Base The boxing many function was incorrectly allocating memory
Base Sections of map file were not always applied
Base Text_Units_Box did not allow all combinations of pixels,screen,device
Chains Fixed crash bug if parameter value same as name
Chains AGD66/84 <--> GDA94 now works with chains
Chains Parameter editor can now be called by name from a toolbar etc
Chains Parameter widget lookup was not using the dump name
Chains Source boxes may select data too early for parameters
Chains Parameters were missing from some view commands
Chains Delete view command does not save
Genio Transition type needed on Genio reader
Map Info Mapinfo reader and multiple files being selected
MTF New chainage mode choice boxes in MTF editor should be read only.
MTF Width to String Errors, trying to apply over length of reference string.
MTF Only_fixed modifier esd not being written correctly to the MTF file on first up create.
MTF MTF, added insert a full template modifier.
MTF MTF wasn't able to use super alignment as a reference string for the start/end chainages.
MTF Template editor draw-box wasn't scaling things like median barriers correctly.
MTF Hinge to string modifiers not handling new chainage options correctly
Super Alignment Fx line to Fx arc should failed to solve if not tangential
Super Alignment Weight and Linestyle not drawn in plan view
Super Alignment Free clothoid transition failed to solve
Super Alignment Toolbar access for SA transformation options
Super Alignment Change option didn't update uids
Super Alignment Alignment/Super alignment table not reporting all data
Super Alignment SA Control point for chainage
Super Alignment Factor and transform on super alignments did not always work
Super Alignment Computator: - Fixed Points: - Offset Grades
Super Alignment Calc extent not giving correct z-extent for a SA
Super Alignment Projected superelevation didn't work with broken-back curves
Super Alignment Computator String Ref Ex does not solve correctly
Super Alignment Fixed a crash bug in Super Alignment
Super Alignment Using End mode rather than default could crash
Super Alignment Zero length/radius IPs caused SA to not solve
Super Alignment SA may not solve with zero length curve on IP
Survey Added reader/writer for Topcon RD3 format.
Survey Updated conformance macros to use the new style select boxes.
Survey Conformance reports were including UIDs in model & string name headers.
Survey Added output for PAVESET.
Survey Upgraded conformance macros to populate from 12d Field attributes.
Survey LN3 output, LN3 name was being set to "fred"
Survey Trying to use old Alignment string as centreline for Topcon RD3 output would crash 12d.
Survey There was no way to add a SDR command to the bottom of the list
Survey Topcon LN3 conversion was always writing white strings.
Visualisation Change Library Extrude was missing matrix information for SLF
Visualisation Library Extrude options stopped working in chains
Volumes End Area between Tins created illegal string names

New Functionality


Mod Modifier Chainages panel now has its own message box
New Added new template decision command Continue Cut Fill
New Westrail cubic spiral transition for super alignments


New Added Write KML macro for google earth
Mod Project selection, auth panels now appear in task bar when top level
Mod Accept nodes panel now offers a test after update option
Mod Added a 'permanently delete?' tick to delete panels for models, tins, functions and templates when using trash bin
Mod Removed borders to force alignment of MTF chainage boxes
Mod Label Map File and attributes
Mod Allow attributes and string name to be key in a map file
Mod Map File $variables and using text attributes for real or integer values
Mod Add x-factor edit to cad text
Mod Tin Inquire options now allow optional tin
Mod Enhance String Log Lines to allow coordinate for highlighting / panning


Mod Logging for parameter matching
New Added Drainage commands to chains
New Added If model is empty conditional
Mod Show info about run time parameters in PVF editor

Macro Language

New Added macro calls to get and set tree page by id
New Added colour message box to macro language
Mod Updated set_ups.H for underline/strikeout/italic


New Added new ways of defining chainages in MTF's
New MTF - allow st/end chainage to be null or from string st/end
New Added MTF modifiers to insert a template rather than a single link
Mod Updated MTF Editor to support new chainage modes
Mod MTF modifiers-allow null chainage/ take from end of picked string
Mod Template panels now have splitter box
Mod Log lines now used for MTF warnings/errors
Mod Stop cut/fill and some links in MTF Fixed left/right side modifiers
New MTF commands - allow start ch; end chainge as defaults

Plots - X-section

Mod Cross Section Plotting now uses a standard convention for names of cross sections


New Tools to edit ECW headers

Super Alignment

Mod Append IP now has (B)earing/distance and (R)elative modes
New Computator Vertical offset
Mod Add extended mode for H_Geom and V_Geom intersections
Mod Add more terms to SA transition solving for clothoid
Mod Change spiral length for new transitions attached to parts
New Transition_Box for super alignment transitions
Mod Change value replaces other change options on SA toolbar
Mod Computator picking of string/segment/point
Mod Optional speed for all super alignment curves
New Computator Parabola point, grade and computator


Mod Upgraded GradeSmart 3d CL macro to new style select buttons.

Traverse spread sheet

New Addd “Use smart drafting” and “Draft plan references if present” to Drafting panel

9.0 Beta 17

Bugs Fixed

12d Field Fixed averaging problem with TPS resection
12d Field Added ability to store point while still measuring in continuous mode.
12d Field Made measure hotkey work for the Helmert Panel
12d Field 12dField can now apply a PPM correction to reduced horizontal distances.
12d Field TPS was automatically turning to last check shot on activating panel.
12d Field Converted some TDF env settings to internal variables accessible from the Settings panel.
12d Field Now allow automatic creation of geoid tin from plane of best fit.
Base Save did not work during a Project Rename
Base Depth Contours limited to 32000 (SHRT_MAX) levels
Base End to end arcs are not marked properly for polygon discovery
Base Change the word "Style" to "Symbol" in cad symbol options
Base PPF $USER_LIB save
Base Write XYZs pt_no did write 'vertex text' in some cases
Base Read x,y,z,s,pt-id layout not saving
Base CAD Arc by 2 points and arc length is not on CAD Arc toolbar
Base Points_vs_tin_z_dif_panel didn't work with super alignments
Base Full Mapfile logging can cause Survey Data Reduction to crash
Base Typing in the new project name box incorrectly validated enter and other keys
Cartographic 3d Helmert might not have solved with fixed scale factor
Chains Nested parameters do not work in conditional commands
Chains Resolve Error in chain after deleting SA
Chains GUI for Function parameter crashes if function does not exist
Chains SA commands referencing element without a name did not show up in the editor
Drainage Drainage - excavation quantaties - conversion to Super Alignment
Plots - general New Plot Frame Create Panel
Super Alignment Problems setting chainage from a control point
Super Alignment Part editor - HIP and VIP showed garbage radius
Super Alignment Tolerance check for square distance is not accurate enough
Super Alignment SA change of IP to Fx Arc dropped out the previous IP
Super Alignment Superalignments : Reverse Curve Crossfall with Transition
Super Alignment Flatten did not always work with new computators
Survey SDR Command Memo type may draw incorrectly when below a measurement
Survey Survey licenced Helmert options were available from the 'old' menus.
TINS SA vertical did not solve after draping a closed super alignment
Traverse spread sheet Parcel number did not increase
Volumes Tin to tin by height range didn't have super tins in pop-up

New Functionality

12D Ascii

Mod Ascii read for new super alignment parts and enhancements

AutoCAD Translator

Mod DWG Paste to display data in a new view


New Added 12d Track to License panel
Mod Cad line now has additional prompts
Mod Polygon discovery speed up
Mod Fence by Model of Polygons
Mod All of the Check Breaklines (fast) (advances) combined or moved to old
New Added initial support for Civil Designer TOT format
New Line from string through point by angle
Mod Template grids now have up, down, delete etc buttons


Mod When running a chain, the parameters panel now has a write & finish button

Super Alignment

New Added rotation for Super Alignment
New Added scaling for Super Alignment
New Added translation for Super Alignment
Mod New computator - Fixed line from point with angle to reference

Traverse spread sheet

Mod Boundary mapping after a split operation
Mod Added a parameter for split highlights
Mod TSS now loads parcel models first, points last

9.0 Beta 16

Bugs Fixed

12D Ascii When reading a 12da file, converting face strings to super strings is not correct.
12d Field Delta offset attribute was missing in batter setout
12d Field Attribute sets were parented incorrectly in the Survey Data Reduction editor
Base Project loader copy, move etc panels now show the selected project
Base Display many snaps does not show up if only one (non cursor) snap
Base String inquire could leak memory
Base Could not use display many snap if no environment variable set
Base Create Roads function stems did not save
Base Various mapfile fixes
Base Project new allowed invalid characters
Base Users could not remove multiple projects from project loader list
Base MTF Editor could not delete row when row data was invalid
Base USE_NAMES_COMMENT_4D went missing from the new env.4d editor
Base CAD parallel was not adding the height offset
Base Added a option to head to tail super face strings into "multi" super face strings
Base Project Rename caused a crash
Base Display many snap panel movesddownward on each click
Base Display many snap did not handle section views correctly
Base Display many snap could accumulate elements incorrectly
Base Display many snaps were duplicated for grid snaps
Macro Language Create_source_box with 4 parameters ignores the 4th parameter

New Functionality

12d Field

Mod Added TDF_TPS_TOPCON_USER_PRISMS.4D and allow to upload constant to Topcon9000
Mod Added combined GPS+Glonass satellite count.
Mod Added lock interrupt mode to Topcon 9000.
Mod Added 'ATR' measure mode to the Topcon 9000.
Mod Added mechanism to push to front of command queue

Arc Info

Mod Added Fencing options to Arc View reader


Mod Keyboard shortcuts for cad string parallel
Mod Autocad Paste now uses file_read_add_to_view_4d
Mod Added a button to the project loading screen to allow users to open working folder

Map Info

Mod Added Fencing options to MapInfo reader

Super Alignment

New Computator Point - Centre


New JobXML support for Trimble Link

Traverse spread sheet

Mod More attributes for Linz xml import

9.0 Beta 15

Bugs Fixed

12d Field GPS dropped out but still appeared to be working, GUI not reflecting state.
12d Field Joystick functions allowed to be controlled by keyboard.
12d Field Crown setout was missing toolbar/minimised form.
12d Field Added panels to be able to be activated from userkeys or tdf_user_keys
12d Field TDF_USER_KEYS can now have a pair of keys activate a command.
12d Field Hotkeys to buttons not on a dialog would crash 12d.
12d Field Helmert attributes, added attribute for survey bearing.
12d Field Now store some common angle attributes as DMS as well as radians.
12d Field Added alternate power searches for Leica 1100,1200
12d Field Added 12d product version information to the 12dField attributes.
12d Field 12da backup was writing a new copy of the current string every store.
12d Field Added laser and EGL toggle to command keys.
12d Field Added setting for the maximum no points in a string stored by 12dField
12d Field GPS error box poped up every shot if 'Warn on change to good quality' ticked on.
Base Previously maximised plan views did not stay maximised on reloading project
Base Deleting a command from an MTF stopped comments from being edited
Base Display many snap did not always show the correct string
Base XML Based mapfile editor does not support $variable entry
Base Multi snap no longer cycles through the list on each click
Cartographic Helmert 3d panel was not handling 'un-ticked' points correctly.
Cartographic Ortho Affine panel was not handling 'un-ticked' points correctly.
Sewer Insertions / additions in SDR editor were not appearing in the correct colour

New Functionality


New Projects can now be renamed
New Project Open/Change panel now has icons for additional operations
New Added a user key toggle for display many snaps - TOGGLE_DISPLAY_MANY_SNAP
Mod Cursor snap now always appears at the bottom of the display many snap
New Added a button to the snaps toolbar for display many snap
Mod New XML based mapfile supports 2 symbols
Mod Alias names for TTF weights have been removed
Mod Trash bin can now be emptied from the trash bin icon
Mod Moved 'select' checkbox in trash bin grid to the left side

Macro Language

New New macro calls for True Type Font properties underline,strikeout,italic,weight
New Macro calls for database connectivity via ODBC now added
New Macro calls to use a Tree_Box now added

9.0 Beta 14

Bugs Fixed

12d Field Added various values from current point to setout point to nav/info pages etc..
12d Field Info/Nav page config files where too sensitive on format, prone to error on manual editing.
12d Field Added pole to x-section view in TIN setout.
12d Field Design RL info etc was not able to be added to info and nav pages.
12d Field Allow coordinate boxes on point setout panel (via settings->survey tab )
12d Field Allow extra TPS measured value attributes to info/nav pages.
12d Field Leica TPS1100, wrong prism constant could be used with measuring program.
12d Field Prevent Leica 1100 being run as a 1200, better error check of inst configs.
12d Field 12d could crash if 12dField is shut down with a message panel open.
12d Field Leica 1100/1200, if distance measurment failed 'locked' mode was not set to false.
12d Field Info configs now have the description of the attribute written as a comment in the file.
12d Field TPS, changed old powerseach bitmap to a no-state bitmap
Alignment Enable Super/Widening names in MTF
Base Cad Copy circle creates smaller arcs
Base The "select which string?" option did not display all snaps when a point snap was found
Base Cad Create Line (p) (t) options
Base Polygon discovery failed when a non Super String Circle was involved
Chains 12d could crash if chain editor was closed when picking parameters
Installation CD Only administrators had full control privileges for Courses, Training, User and UserLib
Super Alignment Removed number of lanes from design table
Super Alignment Sight distance calcs do not se valid flag for additional super alignment geometries
Tags Tag filtering was not working for string only mode
TINS Viewshed dynamic z value loop bug

New Functionality

12d Field

New Added keyboard control for 12d Field operations.


Mod Anonymous Functions for File Input options to allow recalcs (ie) re-reading of files
New Added a #include_silent directive which does not fail if the file is not found
Mod Toolbars.4d, linestyl.4d, symbols.4d now use include_silent to include user_toolbars.4d, user_linestyl.4d, user_symbols.4d etc
Mod When data is read in, it will add it to a new view or other action - defineable by environment variable

Macro Language

New Add XML reading / writing calls to the macro language
New Added macro new calls for Binary Plot Parameter files


Mod Rewrote SDR GUI to display large functions quickly and handle collapsing of nodes

Traverse spread sheet

Mod Added chain file to Linz xml reader

9.0 Beta 13

Bugs Fixed

12d Field Changed defaults added to nav page, only to/from etc automatically added.
12d Field Store points without name box on control bar crashed 12d.
12d Field GPS dropped out but still appeared to be working, GUI not reflecting state.
12d Field Section view in TIN setout needed redraw filtering for the GPS
12d Field Create NMEA panel, height offset was not being used in calc's.
12d Field Add 'delta' values to compliment 'diff' values to all of the setout strings.
12d Field Allow 500 items in job category, description, lot choice boxes.
Base Defining overrides in environment configurations was incorrectly registering the overrides
Base Project preview does not maintain aspect ratio
Drainage Rational method - basin inflow volume formulae updated
Super Alignment Fixed Tin Drape Ex visibility problem
Super Alignment Super Alignment - Fr arc through point not solving
Super Alignment Updates to end on a float
Super Alignment Deleting the only part in the part editor did not delete the geometry
Visualisation Last segment of a super string does not draw Interval Extrudes correctly

New Functionality


New Combine "no cut" and "no fill" into one command
New Strings->Create->Super alignments->Reverse Calc parts


New .4d files now saved into a backup.4d folder
New Added new environment variable PROCESSOR_AFFINITY_4D


New Dynamic drainage - Bypass flow section shapes and roughness values completed

Macro Language

New Added delete calls for grid

9.0 Beta 12

Bugs Fixed

12D Ascii Bugs in reading/writing of 12d ascii files
12d Field GPS Helmert, now must nominate observed and control models.
12d Field "Perform transform" tick on GPS panel was always on.
12d Field Leica 1100/1200, was possible for measure button state to get confused.
12d Field Added interupt to lock mode of TPS 1200 and reflect jigger state in the control bar.
12d Field 12da backup could be corrupted if multiple setout panels were open.
12d Field Angle/Status polling was causing "Instrument still processing last command" message.
12d Field Allow more flexibility in the store setup panel, pre/post fix for models.
Base Viewshed calcs did not work correctly with a super tin
Base View titles did not include view types
Base Modifications to Create Tin Faces panel
Base Create Roads can use the wrong lip of kerb line
Base Boxing Many Function crashed when using last boxing layer
Base Target box processng rectangle creates empty models for those on view
Base Model and Tin popup browse boxes leak memory
Base Restoring a workspace that resizes the output window caused views to stop redrawing
Base Polygon discovery did not ignore duplicate segments
Base error in Viewshed with Super tin
Base Viewshed bug when eye is a long distance away
Base Added new select mode to show all strings at a snap, selectable via environment variable
Cartographic 3d Helmert, rotation boxes appeared twice in dialog.
Cartographic Added environment variable for pick order in transformations.
Cartographic New Helmert panels, initial state of Scale Factor box was wrong.
Chains Some parameters record their widget path incorrectly
Chains Tag Filter Rename broke chains with filter based source boxes
Documentation Documentation for Least Squares Macros
Genio Improved the debugging report for G-Strings
Super Alignment Editing Equalities could crash a crash
Super Alignment Parabola grade did not save/restore
Super Alignment Computator tin drape doesn't work on closed super alignment
Super Alignment Draped Points computator doesn't work on closed super alignment
Super Alignment Inactive parts were not being drawn
Super Alignment Super alignment HIP does not ignore radius sign
Survey "Check As Built String vs Design String" macro was not working.
Survey Upgraded Least Squares and Level Network input macros.
Survey Leica 1200 Tunnel output crashed without environment defined.
Survey Leica 1200 tunnel generation, profile names weren't clearing leading whitespace.

New Functionality


Mod 3D Helmert - 7 parameter transformation for 3D change of XYZ co-ordinates
Mod Change Map File format to XML
New Allow users to manually take a preview
New Added Find / Replace capability for Grids
New Added experimental polygon discovery to public main menu
Mod PPF editors now open first level of tree at startup
Mod Parameter grids can now be stored in parameter value file


Mod Allow reference based parameters to use ids or names or both


Mod Better error reporting added for failing to save shared models

Super Alignment

Mod New GUI for Super Alignment Properties using a tree control
Mod Ability to change parameter such as radius or length by picking segment


New Add reader/writer for Topcon RD3 format.


Mod Add import/export functionality for tags

9.0 Beta 11

Bugs Fixed

Base 2 point profile of section, Start/End point button does not work.
Base Project Selection and New Project Panels have no go back option
Base 12d Exits on panel Finish
Base Selecting a project workspace on load or open does not work
Base Export Diary could not be run from an SLF
Base Moving row up and down in grids could lose some data
Base Output window tick can't be used to turn off the output window
Base Delete project from project loading panel did not refresh recent projects list
Cartographic 2D/3D Helmert , added button to set origin at centroid of points.
Cartographic Add new transformation type, 3d Helmert.
ECW ECWs could not be loaded into 12d
Super Alignment Computator value by cut string failed to solve
Super Alignment Incorrect ascii output in computator chainage
Super Alignment Vertical chainage reference - mixup vertex index
Super Alignment Computator vertical float line by grade is not solved correctly
Super Alignment Computator fixed parabola 2 points parameter: Parameter not held after Set
Super Alignment SA Chainage shown in string inquire incorrect for section views
Super Alignment Show unsolved between fixed parts when end points not met
Super Alignment Highlighting computator parts caused GUI artifacts
Super Alignment Computator fixed arc 2pts bearing produces incorrect arc
Tags Tags moved to the top level were not being parented properly

New Functionality


New 3d Helmert to transform data in 3 dimensions
Mod Allow a maximum trash bin size
New Added ability to delete existing project diary entry
New Added variable list for diary
Mod Utilities->Measure->String is now 2 options
Mod Env panel now opens top level of tree
Mod Map file and Label map file panels now use a tree control instead of tabs
Mod Use a PNG instead of a BMP for the project preview
Mod Tree in Project Tree now opens expanded


Mod Added "Test" button to new Helmert 2D/3D panels.

9.0 Beta 10

Bugs Fixed

12d Field Added log file keeping each instance of new recording of data, (new .FLD name)
12d Field NMEA replay now allows multiple reading at the 1 chainage before moving on
12d Field Enabled use of Super Alignments in grid setout
12d Field Allow user to set frequency of TPS angle polling.
12d Field Entering a Ch Inc of 0 in the create NMEA panel is not so good.
Alignment The MTF Auto Super Widening/XFall did not work correctly
Base Pressing enter in certain grids did not edit the cell.
Base Accept nodes panel now has 'prepend' file option instead of 'append'
Base Renamed widgets with 'directory' to 'folder' in project panels
Base Renamed Project Diary on project->details menu to just Diary
Base Folder browser crashed when running under Windows Vista
Base Measure XYZ button on Translate panel now works
Cartographic Added new transformation type, Helmert with origin
Cartographic Helmert transforms, added a flag to call the inverse transformation
Cartographic Added inverse calculations to affine transformation.
Cartographic Inverse' in Helmert and Affine did not work correctly.
Super Alignment Missing Fixed line ref chainage type computator
Super Alignment Computator segment is missing from ascii read template
Super Alignment Max length vertical IP and parabola failed to solve
Survey Added Helmert Transform with user defined scale factor and origin.

New Functionality


Mod 2D Helmert transformation with given (fixed) scale
New Convert tin to strings or faces
Mod Control C,V,X now work for Grid controls
Mod Added a new button to the project open panel
Mod Added a "Delete project" option to the project open panel

Macro Language

New Added a get_file_size macro call

9.0 Beta 9

Bugs Fixed

12d Field Added ability to toggle the drawing of the bulls-eye on the nav page.
12d Field Added warning dialog where stored string references are no longer valid or have changed.
12d Field Now allow for user definable text for dialog/info and nav pages.
12d Field Grid Setout, point failing to drop to strings was not being handled correctly.
12d Field Added walkrights, (optional) to the TDF menu to reduce the number of options on display.
12d Field Added new bitmaps for Topcon 9000.
12d Field Ha, va and slope dist were not available on the info page.
12d Field Implemented manual focus/single shot mode for Topcon 9000
12d Field User can now toggle behaviour of GPS warning on change of quality.
12d Field First up use of the point store settings dialog was not populating defaults correctly.
12d Field Default value of string extensions made 0.0
12d Field Crown setout, pickup x-section was not drawing correctly.
12d Field Crown setout, was no text for del_z_left and del_z_righ tin nav page setup
12d Field User defined text, now allow only nav or info text to be changed.
12d Field Grid setout was broken.
12d Field Joy stick in Simulator, up and down was reversed.
12d Field Grid setout, unable to use Super Alignments, add warning for user.
12d Field Changed help message on Leica Powersearch button to suit state.
12d Field Helmert, display residuals in message bar and fixed control states after deleting a shot.
12d Field GPS occupy point, averaged num points wasn't being reset.
12d Field Parameters of GPS helmert storage might not have had enough decimal places.
12d Field GPS Helmert Localisation Create needed to be available outside 12dField setout
Base Label Chainages on String (Function) did not remember number of decimal places
Base XML based mapfiles do not correctly match attributes
Base New project panel can sometimes add unnecessary backslashes to path
Base Moving a blank line in the MTF editor could cause a crash
Base After using insert above or below, MTF commands can not be edited
Base MTF Editor for modifiers validating incorrectly on optional fields
Base Create roads would not run apply when both roads are frozen around a kerb
Base Attempting to open or create a project would sometimes not open the project
Base Boxing many volume reports would not work with long section plot
Base MTF - Boxing chainage selection did not use correct measures
Base Project always asked for save, even if not touched
Base Overlay Panel - chainage selection did not use correct measures
Super Alignment Clean-up default super alignment styles
Super Alignment SA ascii: missing alternative flag for floating/free arcs
Super Alignment Set alternative solution in alignment arcs causes lost of data
Super Alignment Incorrect superelevation with speed ips
Super Alignment Floating lines and arcs produce incorrect transitions
Super Alignment Quirk with old Alignment Strings when converted to SA
Super Alignment Computator fixed arc fillet does not solve
Super Alignment Vertical sync does not work
Super Alignment Floating line from end rotation error

New Functionality

Super Alignment

Mod Simplify HIP & VIP types in Super alignment part editor

9.0 Beta 8

Bugs Fixed

12d Field Can now create string for uploading to Topcon/Javad as a base station coordinate.
12d Field Add Instrument to menu list - Magellan Pro 500 GPS
12d Field TDF_INFO_PAGE_CONFIG.4D and NAV loaded with minimal options
12d Field Better error message on reading old GPS transformation, tdf_hel file.
12d Field Tin references were not being written as an attribute.
12d Field Corrected handling of GPS measurements when something failed in the transformation process.
12d Field Crossfall manual modes, removed delta height modes and change to % from H/V
12d Field Add timer to 12da backup of current job.
12d Field Added user defined prisms to Leica 1200 TPS (Max 5)
12d Field Split the "General" tab in the settings panel in two.
12d Field Trivial - Removed browse boxes on settings panel
12d Field Completed tool tips for settings panel.
Alignment astyles.4d cannot be saved to location defined by env SUPER_ALIGNMENT_STYLE_4D
Base User could access context menu for projects even when a project is not selected
Base Project is not preventing multiple locks from being taken in some cases
Base Points edit move only allowed the target point to be the result of a point or cursor snap
Base Strings Label Vertices could crash
Super Alignment Support computator strings in computator line intersect
Super Alignment Referenced computators may failed to solved
Super Alignment Computator fixed arc point radius doesn't solve
Super Alignment Superalignments : Relative Start / End from V8
Super Alignment Superelevations/widenings have black colour
Super Alignment Floating Line to fixed line
Super Alignment Incorrect ascii write in computator tin drape
Super Alignment Fx_Draw initialisation

New Functionality


New Allow users to specify view to save preview of
Mod Removed old env.4d editor from menus

Super Alignment

New Computator segment : reference a segment without knowing the segment type
New Computator Line from point drop to a reference string

9.0 Beta 7

Bugs Fixed

12d Field Added support for Leica GNLLQ messages.
12d Field DLG- button in GPS occupy point crashed 12d.
12d Field Height to hinge was not being refreshed on the info page.
12d Field Added joystick for TPS simulator
12d Field Grid Setout, setout level can now be from 1st string.
12d Field Restarting field file did not add the surveyor name
12d Field Pickup engine was not pausing template when pressing code or CDR
12d Field Added tape target for Leica 1100/1200
12d Field Removed browse on target height wdiget when slant height is active.
12d Field Nav page was not refreshing on changing to page.
12d Field Some boxes didn't have the optional flag set, e.g. reference string.
12d Field Position dialog, 'turn meas' and 'turn rep meas' triggered meas counter.
12d Field Clearing the reference string caused incorrect message on dialog.
12d Field Crossfall setout was missing reference string.
12d Field Battery status and source weren't working correctly for TPS simulator.
12d Field TPS simulator now shows 'real' battery status of computer.
Alignment Error when creating a NEW Apply Many function
Base All projects were showing up as locked in the selection panel
Base Cad Project Perpendicular could get into an error loop
Base Project was not preventing multiple locks from being taken in some cases
Base Project new did not always open the new project
Base Survey conversions were greyed out incorrectly
Base Project preview did not work when scrolling with cursor keys.
Sharing Add shared models panel had a grid column called 'copy' instead of 'add'
Super Alignment Incorrect result when solving ips and blank transitions combination
Survey Added reverse Helmert transformation.

New Functionality

12d Field

Mod 12d Field Pickup GUI reworked
Mod Setout now creates a .FLD backup file and .12da backup file.

Pavement Overlay

Mod Loading xfall from strings now clears out default values

Super Alignment

Mod Simplify HIP defaults panel

9.0 Beta 6

Bugs Fixed

12d Field Nav page, aded alignment option for GPS 'to sun'
12d Field Joystick for TPS's that support such functionality added.
12d Field Removed collapse button for 12dField setout.
12d Field Removed double click to close storing setup panel when user opened it manually.
12d Field Smartfind made user configurable for on by default.
12d Field Perspective view, option for eye height and target height for GPS
12d Field Added ability to enter 'slant' target heights for GPS
12d Field Was a severe time delay when storing large number of attributes on a vertex
12d Field Added panel for GPS specific occupation of a point.
12d Field String extension status checking was incorrect in 'manual' modes.
12d Field Clean up GPS attributes for averaged points.
12d Field Prevent 12d from crashing if gpslibrary.dll cannot load
12d Field Clearing script from startup script panel does not remove it
12d Field Warning box when storing point close to previous added.
12d Field Gridline setout added.
12d Field Leica 1200 TPS, measurements allowed with warnings in continuous mode.
12d Field 12d Field Pickup can crash on measure after closing instrument handler panels
12d Field Templates manager left in bad state after creating a new template
12d Field Pickup engine was deleting attributes for non-complex feature codes
12d Field Move 12d Field to top of survey menu
12d Field Prevent incorrect slope distances being entered in TPS Simulator
12d Field Changing tunnel centreline was using previous centreline data
12d Field Tunnel setout, 2d/3d chainage widgets read only properties were not being set correctly.
12d Field TIN can now be used for geoid adjustment.
12d Field Some pickup widgets were not validating correctly when optional
12d Field Resuming a template after a pause did not restore current feature code and string
12d Field Template confirm skip panel was crashing
12d Field Feature code panel could crash if closed before the feature code selection list
12d Field Using Position TPS with the simulator could crash if no panel was displayed
12d Field Station name was not saved in Station Command
12d Field Feature groups should always write in the top level group, not create groups of their own
12d Field Added "from sun" option to nav page for GPS.
12d Field 12d Field , TPS Position , and measuring
12d Field TDF Message Panel was taking cursor focus when popping up.
12d Field GPS Control bar GUI wasn't passing events to base class.
12d Field Improvements to the Topcon auto-positioning
Alignment The MTF Auto Super Widening/XFall did not work correctly
Base Property list now warns if data is changed and user tries to close panel
Base Resizing and moving views can leave graphical artifacts on the screen
Base Add a 'create many' to the tin create panel
Base Populate by Colour Range can crash if number of steps is 0
Base OpenGL views in setups.4d get the wrong name
Base Strings->Convert can lead to a crash
Base Pressing Exit on Rebind Projects can crash 12d
Base Control bars and Output window do not block view redraws
Base String Arc split can return strings with null start / end points
Chains SA now resolves in chain resolve commands
Plots - general Quick Sheet plot not returning to View mode after data mode

New Functionality

12d Field

New Allow capability for users to record an audio note
Mod Better notification when NMEA drops out
Mod Remove request for script on start up of Javad
Mod Line features now require a string name on code change


New Add a toolbar for searching for 12d options
New Added a cad perpendicular command
New Added chainage offset and chainage offset extended cad commands
New Show a project preview
Mod Replace 'change' with 'new' / 'open'

Macro Language

New Added the GridCtrl_Box to the macro language

9.0 Beta 5

Bugs Fixed

12d Field Add ability to send file to GPS reciever from the setout menu.
12d Field Implement setout normal to TIN.
12d Field GPS measurment style was not being remebered in the config, e.g. Single, Continous
12d Field Warn the user of not having selected the TDF specific plan view.
12d Field The GPS status/warning panel now remembers its last location.
12d Field Wild T2000/1600/1000 added to supported jiggers.
12d Field GPS measurement averaging was broken in GPS in Beta 4
12d Field Section view in TIN without reference string didn't profile.
12d Field Auto store on distance from previous point added.
12d Field 12dField now allowed to close with a message panel open.
12d Field Removed the need for the CAD control bar and now use specific 12dField settings.
12d Field State of 'Store' button was incorrect in GPS.
12d Field Compaction factors added to 12dField.
12d Field Removed browse box for compaction factors
12d Field Added diff in eastings and northings to backsight and check sight panels
12d Field Fine tuning of Topcon 9000 functionality.
Alignment Interface Strings now are created as Super Strings when Create Arcs is Super
Alignment Auto super/widening for the MTF editor is written out in the wrong order into the .mtf file
Base Project Loader Panel can crash if shut down while reading project info
Base Using old map files can result in a crash
Base OVerlay strings
Base Lack of Nodes file locks the project
Base Link clip goes wrong when duplicate points are involved
Base String_Info_Box allways has every field as optional
Base Measure Bearing/Distance Panel now works in Section View.
Base Rare bug in super strings involving null levels
Super Alignment Optional trailing transition length not being save

New Functionality

12d Field

New Topcon 9000, MEAS key is disabled until instrument is ready to measure.
New Add GPS logging with variables GPS_SHOW_NMEA_4D and GPS_LOG_NMEA_4D


New Add word wrap capability to Project Diary
New Change Map File format to XML
New Enhance locking of 12d projects
New String inquire has additional information for Super Strings

9.0 Beta 4

Bugs Fixed

12d Field When restoring a saved setout the surface shifts, horz/vert choices boxes were not being set correctly.
12d Field GPS status text was too long to read in GPS status panel.
12d Field Bad tunnel input files caused a 'crash' when generating tunnels.
12d Field 12d Field can be started twice
12d Field Fixed problems with the Topcon 9000 comms
12d Field Request Angle commands are being queued over and over
12d Field 12dField could crash when panel without TAB left right keys was open.
12d Field Relay all NMEA sentences to the output window.
12d Field 12d Field does not work with the Toshiba Bluetooth Stack
Base attempting a [Clear] on a files Files_Box does not clear all fields
Base Chainage box did not display menu when right mouse button clicked in a grid
Base Check Crossing Breaklines can be very slow on large point strings
Base New MinidumpHandler saves to desktop incorrectly
Base Files_Box can loose the current filename
Base Log lines can have a strange character displayed in the output window at the end of the line
Base Tagging stops early when tags applied to models on a view
Base Environment Configuration Editor warns about losing data even after saved
Base Menu to add model to view not sorted
Base Editing a 2d based super string offers text based edits
Base Highlights from Cad commands left behind on View Manager
Base Failure to pick up Enviroment Config
Base Colour Popup List box with wheel scroll does strange things
Base Grid box for output window doesn't always redraw
Base Modifier Panel : Missing Link Names
Base Removed some warning messages
Base Text_Edit_Box is limited to 32K characters
Base Using a super alignment in Apply Many can generate eek messages
Chains Chains warn about deprecated file formats incorrectly
Chains Parameter not being set in a file box
Chains Clean model does not display wildcard names properly
Drainage analysis set curve and choke on sag pits for flood extents, even if no bypass pit, or not considering bypass flows
ECW Display ECW images do not always display in plan views
Plots - X-section Fix Xplot, for occasional missing upright at zero-offset
Plots - X-section Xplot grade labelling - fix tolerance issues when labelling change of grade segments only
Super Alignment Change "Cut string" to "Reference string" in computator chainage
Super Alignment Floating parabola end and point not solved correctly
Survey Pt id is now displayed at the beginning of each line in the SDR Editor
Survey Topcon export to LN3 files now includes Point ids as text

New Functionality

12d Field

New Add support for Leica GPS 1200
New Replace pickup feature code and string with button


New New tables in MTF editor to control which string to apply super elevation and widening


New Sheet_Size_Box to use alias choice lists to show A4 (297 x 210)
New String Info Table now highlights selected strings and autopans
New Tin Share Menu as all options disabled
New X Fall Report does not work for SLF files or Chains
New New_XYZ_Box does not forward some events from X,Y, or Z boxes to notify callback
New Edit operations should be allowed from string info table
New Use log lines for when 12d files are found.
New New option Check Breaklines (advanced)
New Auto Sync plan views
New Allowed inplace editing in MTF editor
New Added insert above, insert below to super grid
New Added support for copying and pasting between MTF modifier editors
New Add a restart button to env panel
New Add a "Project Diary"
New Cuts from CL for through strings now supports equalities
New File found messages now use log lines


New Clean model command now supports wildcards


New set pipe inverts as pit attributes
New Network Editor : default "Cover file" & "Grade file"

Drainage analysis

New Drainage Analysis - remove upper limit on TW level
New Calculate extra attributes for composite and effective C values

Macro Language

New New macro calls for Draw_Box to draw elements
New New Macro calls for Date_Time_Box

Plots - general

New PPF Cuts: add ability to label cut string attributes in all PPFs
New Add "Notes" branch to all PPF Editors
New for quick plan plot, allow selecting sheet size from list
New Quick selected sheet size plot for plan views
New Show title area on quick plan plot
New Allow model attributes in title blocks

Plots - X-section

New Xplot: allow primary grade labelling, even if primary string is turned off


New Display colours in popup list boxes for shared models and tins
New Ability to apply the basic tab of a map file to shared models


New SDR function - Point number should be first part of reading
New SDR Quick Change Code/String now can change all points on a string


New Tin to Tin by Height Range is now much faster
New Tin to Tin Volumes by Height Range very slow

9.0 Beta 3

Bugs Fixed

12D Ascii Ascii read should set valid flag in SA to FALSE
12D Ascii Remove all "solution" modes in ascii read/write for SA vertical parts
12D Ascii Ascii read for super alignment transitions
12d Field Point setout attempting to set non existant variables.
12d Field Possibility of nav box dimensions not being initiailised correctly.
12d Field Navigation box details incorrect for batter setout.
12d Field Differentiate between DOP and Leica CQ values.
12d Field Need an indication of whether the differential age returned from the GPS Client is valid.
12d Field Adjust default setting for GPS HRMS, VRMS, CQ setting.
12d Field UTC & local times mixed in function parameters.
12d Field TPS Simulator, catch browse events so 'SET' does not have to be used on the ha,va,sd boxes.
12d Field Bluetooth client attempts to disconnect even if not connected
12d Field The first measure in a setout routine now pops up the targets heights dialog.
12d Field Clear TDF New_Select box if string reference doesn't exist.
Alignment Cross sections sometimes tagged with incorrect point type
AutoCAD Translator New DWG libraries have been committed
Base EQ typed input command now available on selected super alignment
Base Memeroy leak when using map files with .mf extension
Base SA corridor calcs - extents incorrect
Base Environment configuration editor may crash
Base Check Breaklines flag to ignore self checks
Base Copying many log lines to the clipboard can be very very slow
Base Choosing [Open] for special chainage files does nothing
Base Tin share menu has menu items greyed out
Base Read DEM doesn't report final finished message
Base Model plotter no longer replaces spaces with minus sign
Base ID boxes in Source_Box populate with unknown
Base Tin to tin depth range files can produce huge polygons
Base Property List does not call on close for groups
Base Select Information now shows area of closed Super Alignments
Super Alignment Vertical IP arc should ignore the sign of radius
Super Alignment Remove duplicated points for tin drape
Super Alignment Crash in Super alignment info panel
Super Alignment Geometry still exists when last part is deleted
Super Alignment calc_shift_radius should return true or false
Super Alignment Computator point, chainage reference should apply offset before rotation
Super Alignment Super alignment doesn't solve with IP only closed
Super Alignment Additional geometry shown up in part editor
Super Alignment Attach_mode is missing from computator ascii read
Super Alignment Floating parabola end and point not solved correctly
Super Alignment Set super alignment style doesn't update chainage interval values
Super Alignment Horz reference gives wrong result when direction is negative
Super Alignment Super Alignment Edit: Set limit doesn't work for end point
Super Alignment Ascii read for v8 length being replaced by relative start/end

New Functionality

12D Ascii

New Super alignment part ascii read/write using ascii classes

12d Field

New Storing and retrieval of 'favourite' setout panels enabled.
New TPS Simulator, populate HA/VA/SD from picking 2 points.
New Add TCP/IP capability for device comms
New 12d Pickup should write all commands to the field file
New Support the GST NMEA sentence
New Store TPS simulator default values in the global configuration.
New Add an allowance for antenna phase centres to GPS target heights.
New Combine Target Hgt and Extra Target Hgt to single button on 12dField Control bar.
New File name parts class, add function to return name + extension


New NSW cubic parabola transition for super alignments


New Trash bin should have better reporting for when restore is not possible
New Change Map File format to XML
New More control over chainages in "X-section along a string"
New Environment variable COMPARE_4D
New File_Box now supports multiple wildcards.
New Updated GUI for env.4d editor
New Need capability to convert existing sharing to relative paths


New add right-mouse confirmation toggle to 3 DNE buttons

Plots - general

New Pipeline LS - left and right extenstions

Plots - long sections

New Alignment LS - left and right extensions

Super Alignment

New Super alignment part rotation should take negative value
New HIP default question panel
New Setting interval panel for super alignment edits
New Remove relative_s/e from computator line
New Tangent only and curve length for vertical computator drape point ex
New Icons for Super Alignment edit parts
New Remove length and length_mode from Alignment_Arc
New Replace solution_mode with alternative
New Optional interval for computator drape
New Computator Reference String
New Set style option for SA editor
New Change transition type for super alignment question

Traverse spread sheet

New Style classes for drawing points/obs/parcels
New Check duplicate/leading/trailing spaces in parcel names
New Remove "copy down" from TSS panel
New Remember last edited file
New Alpha number for easement
New Write parameter file using new file stream

9.0 Beta 2

Bugs Fixed

12d Field TPS Status panel will crash if no EGL (guide lights) present on TPS
12d Field Add target height to GPS nav panel.
12d Field Remove unnecessary browse boxes from control bar widgets.
12d Field The check reading bearing created in the field file is negative.
Base Sight distance panel can crash when not calculating one direction
Base Template modifier "Fixed Insert" not displaying before link
Base Using typed input 'ch' after selecting a string may not work in Cad commands
Plots - general Hatching Between Tins with primary SA
Super Alignment Free arc with only 1 transition does not solve
Super Alignment General properties for super alignment
Super Alignment Computator Apex parabola doesn't have offset value
Super Alignment Offset value in vertical computator - positive as up

New Functionality

12d Field

New Bluetooth connection in Leica 1200 TPS
New Check to see if bluetooth hardware is on
New Combined Measure and store button (all)
New Operational changes to TPS simulator functionality.
New Pass message as well as title into full screen measure dialog.


New Boxing many function allows user to provide sections


New Add method to support renaming of string editor
New Highlight points in cad lines

Macro Language

New Macros now support Vector and Matrix algebra operations


New Support relative pathing for sharing

Super Alignment

New Geometry Modifiers cleanup


New Adding string numbers to measurements in field file

9.0 Beta 1

Bugs Fixed

12D Ascii Writing some text strings to 12da did not convert \n \r \t to \\n \\r \\t
12D Ascii Circle and Arc strings do not read "interval" from 12d ascii files
12D Ascii Write Ascii panel missing tick boxes
12D Ascii 12d Ascii reader allows illegal string names to be imported
12d Field Crash when pressing numpad in view box.
12d Field 12d Field Pickup Definition editor now writes the .att file format
12d Field Result data not set invalid
12d Field Comms not attaching appropriate linefeeds / carriage returns properly
12d Field GPS Helmet Panel Size
12d Field Number pad error
12d Field Project selection screen and use on 800x600 tablets
12d Field Logic in TDF_Data::setout_chainage_modified is rubbish!
12d Field Document the attribute names.
12d Field Change tags in info configs to attribute names and add version to configs.
12d Field Add Models to a view
12d Field Array overrun in highlighting.
12d Field Clean minor asserts in setout routines
12d Field 12d should not shutdown if 12d Field is running
12d Field Clean up messaging in panels.
12d Field Helmert setup attributes need to store whether a point was use for position and/or level.
12d Field TPS Helmert resection
12d Field Drawing of section views needs complete overhaul.
12d Field Clean up of "Handle" functions.
12d Field Remove geocom command unsupported on 1100 and not used in 12dField.
12d Field Remove unnecessary browse boxes in selects in 12dField
12d Field Point Setout, chainages incorrect if reference string selected.
12d Field Clean up text in 12dField
12d Field Check shot TPS Panel error
12d Field TPS radiation drawing in non 12dField plan view.
12d Field Add functions to TDF_Data_I to simplify setting a member to the result of operations on 2 others.
12d Field Removed need for allow_field12d_4d
12d Field Instrument station setups not being added to TPS simulator menu
12d Field 12d Field, tunnel setout only being added in debug mode.
AutoCAD Translator Layer with invalid name for model
Base Cad tape baseline create point string
Base SLF layout input for macro panel not working.
Base Some new user defined toolbars hide at start up, while other
Base Converting closed (by duplicted point) to super strings does not set closed flag
Base Text class += does not check for null pointer
Base Memory leak in Target Box? or Translate?
Base Polygon_Box runs polygon checks several times
Base Clean up undo memory when exiting 12d in debug version
Base Exiting Rebind Project dialog doesn't release project lock
Base Build TinyXML for 64 bit version
Base GridCtrl_Box writes messy looking information to SLF files
Base make super string indexing for cuts off by default.
Base V9 does not compile as 64 bit program
Base Environment variables not being expanded when running macros in chains
Base The order of the project rebuild messages is confusing
Base Bigfoot cannot triangulate 250,000,000 points
Base Overlay data file does not handle overlay mode properly
Base Advanced widgets on project loader panel stealing focus when in basic mode
Base Write errors from Contour, Smooth and Label function to Output window
Base Dialog Defaults from Icon on Panel drops the filename.
Base x y z general reader can't handle large files
Base Polygon checks slow over large data sets
Base Help->Dongles->Wibu does not work for 32 bit version running on 64 bit OS
Base Uninitialised variable in shx_font
Base Fixing uninitialised variable in model class
Base Trash bin did not report number of elements properly
Base Project loader panel is leaking memory
Base What the hell is a "Vertex no."?
Base Tree_Box leaks memory
Base Incorrect display of volumes in apply many
Base Drop point should return before/after string if drop fails.
Base Mass haul doesn't take into account duplicate chainages
Base Toggle Language causes a crash
Base Source_Box Filter does not work if searching for more than 1 attribute
Base Auto minimised dialog not reappearing on select.
Base Missing icon for 'pan delta'
Drainage Drainage Lplot: Flow arrow title text has Velocity's size/colour/style
Drainage analysis minor fix to Ku error messages
Macro Language New macro call for Survey Data Reduction attribute sets
Sight distance "Sight Distance" panel: give name to Bridge tins grid (for SLFs)
Super Alignment SA Solver doesn't solve 3pt or fixed bearing arcs
Super Alignment Superelevation calculation on curves
Super Alignment Remove 'offset' from computator chainage
Super Alignment Fixes for horizontal computators when relative start = relative end
Super Alignment Memory leaks in Computator
Super Alignment SA parallel chainage should be the same as original
Super Alignment Blank part (transition none) should be ignored in valid test
Super Alignment Vertical floating line by grade
Super Alignment Transition cubic parabola not drawn correctly
Super Alignment Attach mode does not being copied in computator
Super Alignment Edit length and radius display crazy number
Super Alignment Cleanup SA codes
Super Alignment Remove :: in names and attributes
Super Alignment Save defaults for super alignment options should be turned off
Super Alignment HIP and VIP tables
Survey Subgrade intersection panel should include offsets normal to surface.
Survey Fix error messaging in Leica tunnel output panel.
Survey Crash in Lecia 1200 tunnel generation when PRA/PRO files in different directory.
Traverse spread sheet Survey information bearing correction
Traverse spread sheet GPS type should act the same as TR (traverse)

New Functionality

12d Field

New Hot Keys - 12d Field sub options
New Numeric (Alpha?) Key Pad inbuilt into 12D
New Comments allowed in GPS scripts
New Allow ability to turn on / off number pad without environment setting
New Pull down panel for predetemined Surface layer depth settings
New Add surface shift choice box to TIN setout
New QA User log on for 12d Field
New Integrate bluetooth connections into 12d Field
New List only available COM ports on instrument setup panels
New Make GPS Simulator its own instrument
New Make TDF_Global_Data a proper singleton class
New Support locking of TDF instrument commands to specific panels
New Allow auto panning to a point for setout routines
New Restructing 12d Field code into its own directory
New Separate survey functions out of general utilities source file
New Add a TPS simulator class
New Move fonting to a base panel


New General LandXML import


New New MTF editor should colour inactive commands differently
New Apply many to have extra models for triangulation
New Map file for Create Roads
New Update MTF editor with better looking GUI
New Recalc button on MTF Edit Menu
New Create Roads should allow user to set a function stem for kret and apply functions

AutoCAD Translator

New Copy/Paste from Autocad
New The DWG input option only uses the basic tab of the map file.


New Create new front end to allow users to pick from multiple environment files and perform other operations
New Polygon_Box & New_Select_Box now have options to edit/delete/properties of the selected string
New File_Box now has [Browse reset] in addition to [Browse]
New Allow optional fence on file imports to limit the amount of data read.
New Add support for the MFC build number system
New Allow copy project to copy to a new folder
New Fast cursor accept (internal uses only)
New Option to duplicate an existing panel with current data
New Draping - have a z-translate as well
New Enhancements to Attributes Editor
New Allow Cad Text to start either in Edit or Create mode
New Remove hard wired paths from include files in source code
New back-up of "deleted" models
New View_Box should have 'clear' option in the browse popup.
New change height which changes height of all points at same (x,y) locations
New Polygon Report panel now has tick to force absolute areas
New Profile Model Strings now has a dynamic mode
New Prompt users when closing views
New Pressing the Pause key suspends all mouse view events
New Cad and Snap Arc by 2 Points and Arc Length
New Create a Romberg Integral calculation class
New Speed improvements for drawing huge datasets in 64 bit version
New Cad and Snaps Arc/Circle by 2 Points and Radius new order
New Reporting information in Grids and List Control boxes
New pick_only for Polygon_Box & New_Select_Box
New Update start up to support user and user lib being set by registry values
New Update project number in save and restore for v9
New Update splash screen for 12d V9
New Label Map Files can now process string, vertex, and segment attributes
New OpenGL Persp views can be created from setups.4d
New DDF's / SLF's of resized panels now record the change in size
New Add ability to tag elements/models and search by tags
New Add option to clear string names
New Check for .NET framework before running .NET components
New Project restore warnings displayed even when not opening
New Allow choice list field in project details
New New about box
New Add new functions to support easy conversion from widget data to element reference and vice versa
New New all in one cad text and symbol
New Colour_Message_Box needed
New Allow users to submit bug information from a panel
New Modify manifest with trustinfo to avoid vista virtual store problems
New Check Strings and 2pt / 3pt linestyles
New Compulsory Project Details checked on existing project


New Allow compound parameter inputs in chains
New Add support for debugging Chains commands via editor
New Coding - Chains should have their own subdirectory
New decisions in Chains
New Chains - wildcarding for deleting things
New Chain 'chain' commands allows the sub chain to use a different parameter file
New Add chain parameters to override PPF parameters
New Chain editor supports resizing
New Add a Create Model command for chains
New Chain View Management


New DNE: delete unwanted attributes when loading model
New Drainage Plan Plot -- add spacing between multiple pipes
New Drainage Plan Plot -- allow setout point names from pit names
New DNE: Add new pipe alignment mode: "CL-CL Drop"
New Add option to set flow direction on a selection of drainage strings
New speed up access to drainage.4d files
New Drainage Adjust Pits - minor improvements
New Drainage Long Plot Enhancements
New Support for new drainage.4d entries
New Draw section view HGL (WSE) across zero diameter manholes

Drainage analysis

New Storm Analysis: minor improvements to output messages
New New Ku methods for Culvert inlets
New Minor cosmetic changes to Drainage Analysis
New Improve Basin Design Report
New Add key cancel to Storm Analysis loop.
New add macro call to access rainfall data
New New runoff C methods


New Allow for multi-file input for Genio input

Macro Language

New New macro calls for accessing profiles on super alignment
New Valid_name macro calls
New New Macro calls for product information
New New macro call to get plan area at particular elevation inside a polygon
New Special versions of cc4d.exe and wcc4d.exe to support graph box calls

Plots - general

New Drainage LS plot - L&R extensions of corridor models and tins
New PPF Editor find option now allows for human readable descriptions for plot parameters
New New keyword pair in plotters.4d for DPI in raster plotting

Plots - long sections

New Lplot - add "label_heights" default param

Sight distance

New Ability to turn on/off sight distance cals for either direction

Super Alignment

New Adverse superelevation from tangent to curve
New Free arc from end point
New Allow different superelevation on each side of the curve
New Solving enhancements when point lies on fixed line or arc
New Tidy up uid stuff
New Optional relative start or end for floating apex parabola
New Change widening left and right to inside and outside
New More floating parts
New Offset for computator line chainage reference
New Quick pick for super alignment selection
New Common stuff for horizontal and vertical fixed/floating components
New More solving cases with transition
New Relative start and end for fixed parabola by radius and apex
New New solving engine
New Relative start and end for fixed line by bearing or grade
New Relative start and end for fixed computator line/parabola
New Extend IP by length
New Vertical chainage reference computator
New Relative start/end for vertical chainage reference line/parabola
New Match_Uid class to speed up searching & matching ids
New Superelevation on tangent computators
New Compound taper
New Maximum rate of rotation for design parameters
New Floating arc from end with known radius and sweep angle
New Offset for computator point by chainage
New New super alignment part type: Floating arc to arc
New Free arc from end point
New Chainage equalities update
New Fast select mode for computator reference
New Move command works with coord based chainage equality
New Replace standard abs() with 12d's absolute()
New Solve free arc radius with compound spiral at either or both ends
New Solve floating arc radius with compound spiral
New Highlight and move points enhancement for line/parabola with relative s/e
New Optional tangent length for floating compound spiral
New Solving floating arc end radius with transition
New Optional tangent length for free compound spiral
New Tagging for solved segments
New Set start chainage option
New Design Parameters Panel
New Custom superelevation on tangent


New Improve Subgrade Intersections macro.
New The survey data editor now supports short cuts for bitmap buttons
New New menu Survey->Topcon for machine control
New Convert file of Chainage, Offset, Level and Id to super string.


New Finer control on Mipmapping in OpenGL